to Know what it was to endure, that it was, to the victims: It sounds a little minimalist even, if in these three maxims, the answer to the question is exhausted, what are the Lessons from Auschwitz. The emotional impact of the event seems to require more, an attitude, a commitment, practical consequences.

But there was not enough of it? At Auschwitz, many are called, from the anti-authoritarian education to Protest against the census, from pacifism (Never again war) to the Intervention (Kosovo), from the right of asylum to the establishment of the European Union, of the rejection of reunification to Israel’s security, from data protection to refugee policy. All of the past serves as a compass for day-to-day business. You overestimate the crime, educational, and exploit it politically. That is presumptuous.

As presumptuous is it to mystify the crime and with the religious concept of charge. There is also talk of a “hell on earth” and of the “German devils”. In any language the Horror adequately describe, not a monument of his justice. There is always a residual remains. “The word passed away, as that world awakened”, Karl Kraus was already known in 1933, the year of the national socialist takeover of power, even before the extermination camps began to Destroy. With many of the wrong words, memory can also be filled in. They act then as earth is shoveled on a grave.

The day of remembrance is dedicated to all the Victims of Nazism

Know what happened: On 27. In January 1945, the Red army liberated the last living Prisoners from Auschwitz. In the year 2005, this day was declared by the United Nations, the day of remembrance of the Holocaust. Under the “Holocaust” is often understood to be the genocide of the European Jews. However, the day of remembrance is dedicated to all the Victims of Nazism – whether they were Jews, Sinti and Roma, homosexuals, Jehovah’s witnesses, handicapped people, forced laborers, and resistance fighters. No one group should go out of view, a hierarchy would be frivolous.

the singularity of Auschwitz should not be understood as exclusivity. There were other genocides committed around of German troops in front of more than a hundred years, the Herero and Nama. Committed against the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, committed against the Tutsi in Rwanda. It relativizes the crimes of the national socialists, one Iota, if genocides, wherever they are committed, are also called genocide. Similarly, the NS to be put in perspective crimes, if the crimes of other totalitarian ideologies will be discussed. That the 23. August is concealed as a “European day of remembrance for victims of Stalinism and Nazism,” in shame, is a disgrace.

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Holocaust remembrance day, The eerie Knowledge

Caroline Fetscher

The Murdered warn – but whom and from what? What remains is precisely Auschwitz? These three maxims: to Know what it was, to endure that it was to the victims. Add to this The Following should resist the temptation, by a premature grasp want to, Interpretation and classification to build an emotional armor that protects them from any kind of vibration. Because this vibration can increase the desire for more courage, humility, and tolerance. The anointing like fully-pathetic terms. Sense free they are not.