I have in the fall and winter known of a growing anger and powerlessness in the face of the political debate related to reproduction and women’s rights. We have had a long and tiring round regarding section 2c which is now thankfully remain untouched. However, have you driven through a diminution of the right to abortion on demand, if you are pregnant with more children, as well as that This get put down a veto around the right to get assisted fertilization if the woman is the egg that is the problem, and not the man’s semen.
I was even pregnant after a tiring and long trial in October 2018. Very early on I feared that it was the talk of the two fetuses, because the symptoms came faster and more intense than with my first pregnancy. This was confirmed on the early ultrasound. I must admit that the reaction of mine was shock, fear, disappointment and concern for how we are to manage this.
I have repeatedly had fosterreduksjon in mind, but switched it from me.
We have fought hard to be pregnant and try to think that we got a bonusbarn, even though it was just two kids we wanted in the first place. The debate around fosterreduksjon is still something I feel pertaining to me personally, as the new government takes away my right to decide this for yourself.
Our new familieminister states that “the failure to carry forward one child, if you manage two”. This statement has he moderated, but I suspect that moderation which primarily comes as a result of the responses he has received, and not that he actually believes something else.
I would like to take this opportunity to give an insight into what the two, and not one child, it means for an ordinary family like us. We have after the discovery had to buy a new house and sell our apartment. This is because we do not have the space to’s, doesn’t have a big enough space for three children and the apartment is very impractical (to carry two infants in our steep and narrow stairs is not prudent).
We must buy a new car, as there is no space for two baby seats and one seat 2, and a few months after childbirth, three seat 2, which should be rear-facing. We are going to have almost 10 000 $ in barnehageutgifter in the month. We need to buy an extra set with the most (while we had initially thought that a second child could inherit after the first child).
the Holidays will have consider whether you can afford to, the children will be happy to get to participate in leisure activities, new clothes they must have. And so on. Purely economic and practical considerations, but the actual issues you need to think about, and that not all families have the opportunity to deal with. Our two incomes are good enough (we think) to clear this, but it is not a matter of course!
I have a medical condition that basically classifies pregnancy my as a risikosvangerskap. I had complications last time, that you fear will repeat itself now. No one can completely answer whether the risk is increases by two foster vs. one. What I do know is that to deal with my condition is very much harder this time than last time, both because of an older sibling to take care of, and because there are two children in the stomach.
Increased hormonnivå do that most flerlinggravide have multiple ailments and that the symptoms come earlier and stronger. Most people who know what pregnancy can do with the body have to respect that this is not a trifle. The risk of premature birth scares me immensely, and I fear a long stay at the nyfødtintensiven with sick, maybe livstruede babies, with a two year at home. This situation is also not all families can stand in, for various reasons.
These issues may appear to be trifles to you, who considers life as sacred, also in the mother’s stomach. It is nevertheless important issues that we actually are in the situation to think through. Can we afford this? We manage this? What happens with toåringen if the twins are very premature and bad long? We have network enough around us to take care of first, then? We manage to get us a new house and get in order all that must be put in place before the twins come? We have the capacity to give all three a good upbringing?
We have a healthy child from before and have the prerequisites to be able to take care of two children, both practically and financially. We are so incredibly privileged! This is true, did not all families. I will assume that those who have chosen to implement the fosterreduksjon, have done so after careful considerations and with a heavy heart.
You don’t like the idea of taking away healthy embryos, but the fact is that for some this is the only way out. If the option is to remove both the embryo, I will assume that innskrenkningen in the law has led to the opposite effect than what you had in mind. My body, my family, my situation, my decision! the
Dagbladet knows the woman’s identity.
Therefore, the personal aborthistoriene important Comment