A customer has a bone found in a pair of socks that he is at a Primark store in the Uk, Colchester has bought. Notify the police of Essex, which confirms that it is a bot that comes from a man.

According to the police, that the message already on two January got inside, it seemed the bone is not the result of an accident “and there was no skin or other tissue to be fixed”. The bot is currently still analyzed to try to figure out where it comes from and how old it approximately is.

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The police have been in contact with Primark, who in turn will contact the responsible suppliers. The chain has also apologized to the customer and notifies you that there are no incidents have been reported in the factory where the socks were made.


Primark also sets up a private investigation, but did warn that in the past several times already, was the victim of several ‘hoaxes’. “There is currently no evidence to suggest that there is an accident happened in the factory”, it sounds. “So it is very likely that this object, for reasons unknown, by someone in the socks is placed.”