“The earth’s oldest rock found – on the moon”
“4.1 billion years. So old is the earth’s oldest rock. Interestingly enough, found it on the moon, of all places.”
“A rock that astronauts brought from the moon seems to have come from the earth about four billion years ago. It shows research at the Swedish museum of Natural history, in cooperation with the u.s. space agency Nasa and scientists in several countries.”
“It may seem strange, but four billion years ago the solar system was relatively new and the earth was struck still by the many meteorites and asteroids. Such a collision may have beaten out stones from the earth, which can then be captured by the moon’s gravitational pull. In addition, the low moon three times closer to the earth then, than what it does today.”
“according to the researchers, everything is pointing to the stone formed on the earth in an environment with oxygen under earth-like conditions. The stone in question is of granite, and contains quartz, feldspar and zircon. That is to say, material which is common on earth, but not on the moon. Stones with zircon goes to date and the researchers ‘ analysis shows that the stone was formed 4.1 billion years ago.”
“Here on earth is changing the earth’s crust constantly on the basis of plattektonikens movements. Therefore, all rocks older than four billion years at some time been nedsmälta and converted in the interior of the earth.”
“Exactly how long it is now analysed the stone revolved in space before it landed on the moon, you don’t know, but with the help of the age of the moon, in various craters on the site of guess the scientists that landed on the moon for at least 3.9 billion years ago.”
“in 1971, it was time for the stone to move on again, when the astronauts on Apollo 14 took the stone home to the earth again.”
“the Moon was after a giant collision between a kind of precursor to the earth, and a strange celestial body as big as Mars approximately, for approximately 4.5 billion years ago. The blast was so strong that the earth’s mantle almost was completely and mixed with the colliding planet’s mantle. The result was a ”