Three years does it take, usually, up in Berlin, a Zebra’s stripes. 1095 days, which is the necessary request of the working group to the Offices of construction and engineering offices moves – 18 process steps in the average. And that is not the only area, and also not the most important, where it comes in the opinion of 25 of Berlin’s associations in the economy and society at the Berlin authorities to Chaos and delays.

among the critics of the chamber of Commerce and industry (IHK), but also the Protestant Church and the national sport Federation. You want to let the grievances are not more like. With a catalogue of urgent measures they want “a city with a strong management”.

What do the associations?

Three major themes are in the centre. First of all, uniform processes are to be created. “We have twelve districts and twelve different methods. This has to stop,” said chamber of Commerce chief Executive, Jan Eder, in a first presentation on Thursday.

daily mirror people


to order Who will come as restaurant operators on the idea to provide a few chairs and tables on the sidewalk in front of the Store, about two meters for passers-by free, in Reinickendorf, is tested by individual cases, and in Spandau, must be able to meet two wheelchair users. “This is the maximum penalty for someone who is in a number of districts operate,” said Eder. Instead, the Senate should play a Central control function, as it provides for the Constitution of Berlin.

Efficient structures – is also the second large complex of the claims. The same tasks are often distributed according to the district in different Offices. The unified and the power of decision of the district mayors will be strengthened with the aim of a clearer hierarchy.

For a Change of district administrative law, however, would be necessary. The third requirement is to make the work more attractive for the public personnel. More career opportunities and higher salaries to attract graduates. The had become in the past few years, becoming more and more difficult, say the associations, because both the private sector as well as Federal authorities would often pay better than the state authorities.

where is the urgency?

“Welcome to the round of the optimists” welcomed Berlin’s chamber of industry and Commerce President, Beatrice Kramm, the attendees of the kick-off event. A meaningful formulation. Although you and the other partners in the course of the event again and again that they desire a cooperative relationship with the authorities.

The word “optimists” still clear: The situation is serious, and for anything other than a fast agreement, no more time is actually. The retirements in the ageing of the Berlin regional administration to balance, you need to find the administrations until the end of 2024, approximately 30,000 new employees. Whether it can be done, is questionable.

Although there is enough money, said about the President of the district sports Association, Thomas Härtel, but alone in the sports facilities, there is “an enormous Backlog in the triple-digit million range”. Always the fear with swings that will make the Situation worse, if ten are missing thousands of employees in the administrations.

The requested tighter structures could, however, help if necessary with less employees to get along. In addition, a slow administration is expected to make the city increasingly attractive for companies, such as Jan Eder said. “This is the worst location factor for the town.”

the Association of Berlin-Brandenburg housing companies (BBU) of the bureaucratic States affected. And the Worries have grown with the current demands for the expropriation of real estate groups, supported by the government party Left, yet.

BBU Board of Directors Maren Kern told the daily mirror that it is for new housing is important, “to concentrate the responsibilities for planning procedures to be stronger on the Senate level.” As a result, structures were clarified, the districts are relieved and the planning accelerated.

what is the reaction of the policy?

thumbs up, literally. Berlin’s state Secretary for administrative modernisation Frank Nägele (SPD), was at the event in the first row and gave the appropriate hand signs: “This is indeed a great day for Berlin.” Previous efforts had failed because the negotiating parties had against each other worked.

The new Initiative, however, there was a tail wind for him and his body. It should then be checked to see if the claims are going in the right direction or whether they need to be weighted. Nägele, only been nine months in office, is “sure we can, for the first time to achieve goals”.

The Senate had announced last summer, “the Future of package management”, to be launched in may, allegedly on the way. Economy Senator Ramona Pop (The Green) is hoped for from the new campaign, the 25 associations, which represent the economy and society, “a new impetus and progress”.

it is Unclear how this fits in with the intention of the government party, the SPD, to take on a land party conference, also in may, ground-breaking decisions of the Berlin administrative reform. An internal working group in the applications prepares for it. Whether this will be compatible with the intentions of the coalition partners Left, and Green, you see.

Have the bandages right?

Fully. Basically, it goes in to the demands and suggestions that are currently being discussed and with the concentrated action of 25 organisations a new impetus to get to the obvious. Uniform functioning of the focal points in districts and headquarters, fast decision-making channels between the authorities and in case of conflict, a centralized control of the Senate are necessary conditions to make private companies as a customer and a supplier to the public sector life easier.

A classic example, but only one service of many that are building permits and development plans. Another example is the tender procedure should be understandable and transparent. And as much as possible should be done in the contact between citizens, businesses and public authorities online.

all of This will not work without sufficient and well-trained staff. This requirement catalogues are presented by business associations and chambers of Commerce in Berlin for many years, like a mantra, of the Senate and the districts, but not fulfilled.

What are your ideas so far have been on the table?

To ideas it has been lacking. 35 years ago, a Commission of enquiry of the house of representatives put forward far-reaching proposals for the Reform of the administration of Berlin. Countless bodies, both within and outside of policy, committed practitioners in the authorities and scientific experts involved ever since, intensively with the topic. Much has changed, but it never came to that, that you could say: The Berlin administration is fit for the challenges of the present and the future.

The last attempt was undertaken in June 2018, as a Commission, under the leadership of the former Vice-chief of the Federal labour office, Heinrich Alt, on behalf of the Senate recommendations to “improve the city’s overall management control”.

The experts have found to be particularly important: The accelerated recruitment of qualified staff, a clear regulation of state and district competencies in the unit, municipality of Berlin, faster planning and approval process, the rapid digitisation of administrative processes and a better Management of the reforms. Fundamental changes to the split-administration of Berlin, with a Ministry and a (a rather distinctive and idiosyncratic) local level, were excluded.

The governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD) praised the report and saw “good prospects for structural changes”. In a subsequent, disastrous retreat of the Senate, there was not a red-Red-Green but to the proposals of the Old-should be implemented Commission actually.

Left the cloudy promise to forge together with the districts of a “future Pact management” remained. And since April of last year, Nägele in the Senate Chancellery is trying to bring a little order in a reform process, whose successes are so far, but hardly recognizable.

Only in Detail, there is progress. Setting is accelerated, the payment of many of the staff improved and the IT equipment partly modernised procedures. An effective E-Government cannot be and speeches, the lack of staff takes on alarming, and the confusion between districts and Senate authorities, since the formation of greater Berlin on 1. In October 1920, the Tradition has continued.

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The re-introduction of a technical supervision of the Senate over the districts was required, but forgotten again. The same applies to the unification of the administrative structures at the district level, the strengthening of the district mayor, and a more stringent selection process for councillors. Maybe the Senate is working on a secret concept.