It was a wild and crazy escape, as a Friday late in the afternoon took place at Ullas home in Plejeltvej at Tikøb in the north of Zealand.

It tells Ulla itself, which, because of the situation with gunplay does not want his last name mentioned.

– I had been in Hornbæk and act, and come home and drive into the driveway. I keep in the door with the car in idle, says Ulla for the Extra Magazine.

– Then there comes a man running from the other side. He cries out ‘help me. Help me’. So rush he over the road to me and runs down in the yard behind the gate, explains Ulla.

Ulla is at the moment in the process of loading of the goods. She puts an armful of goods from them, and rush back.

– In it I come back, putting himself into my car and backing out of the full blast.

He has seen another car keep on the road, as she came running. The car had blinded her, and therefore she had the flashing ad.

– As he comes out on the road, rises two persons out of the car. They start shooting after him, says Ulla for the Extra Magazine.

the 112 – 25. jan. 2019 – at. 19:12 RIGHT NOW: Investigating the shootings

Ulla is no doubt that it is shot, she hears.

the Police ar massively present in the area with both the leaders, technicians and officers. Photo: Alllan Andersen

Shortly after turning the car with the two people and runs after Ullas car.

It is not so much the car, as He now misses. The car, a silver Nissan Micra, have The Police called for.

It is more her 15-year-old labrador, Oscar. The sat namely in the car when it was stolen.

Now the fear Was that Oskar roam around a place where the car has been left behind.

Oskar is a very nervous dog, who is not so fond of strangers. It is halvdøv. And so is the terribly skudræd. He can not bite anyone. But I hope such people will call the police if they see him somewhere, says Ulla, who have sent Extra Magazine a picture of Oskar.

Vagtchef by north Zealand Police, Søren Bjørnestad, confirms that Ullas interpretation of the matter also is an interpretation, as the police investigators know.

The Police have to Ekstra Bladet told that one is present at the village of Plejelt at Tikøb to investigate review about possible gunfire. The notification was made via the emergency at 17.19.

Ullas car has the registration number BT 86 646.

the Police can be contacted on tel.: 114.

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