be The life of Elizabeth II, a Paradox, is the assessment of the London-based author Andrew Gimson: “she has authority, and is simultaneously powerless.” The phrase applies equally to the wife of the exceedingly stubborn Prince Philip, 97 years old, wants to leave, despite a recently he has caused the accident, not driving a car, as for the head of state of the United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland.

In the latter function the 92 turned-Year-old this week at the local branch of the venerable women’s organization Women’s Institute close to your castle, Sandringham (Norfolk). Each Generation has its own challenges and is on the search for new answers, a reflection of the monarch and explained that they themselves hold “of tried and tested recipes”.

So far, So harmless. But then sentences that were visible to a much larger audience than just the country women of Norfolk. “Well, one above the other talk to and different points of view to respect; to Match; and never the big picture, to lose sight of that.” From their point of view, explained the Queen, is such an approach timeless: “I can recommend it to just anyone.”

Similarly, the Queen had said in her Christmas speech. This time the Buckingham Palace revealed the Remarks on a little-noticed schedule to the media, suggests that Elizabeth II and her advisers with the former reaction were dissatisfied. This time, however, the Intervention of the state proposed to head waves. “The Queen requires the end-of-Brexit-feud,” was the headline in the “Times”. Of the “great wisdom,” said Finance Minister Philip Hammond. One of the most important Constitutional expert, Lord Peter Hennessy, gave perfectly the movements of the head of state to the stars “: It’s about politeness and courtesy, not policy”.

Necessary Appeals

The difference has been observed for almost 67 years reigning Queen. Your last questionable decision to return is long: In the autumn of 1963, the pregnant Queen, the Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan, the question had to manipulate who should the seriously ill in the following. Since then, the Palace respects scrupulously, never to be again in the party political Arena dragged.

this is Exactly what had brought the start of a week of Brexit-champion Jacob Rees-Mogg into the game, at the end of March before the Chaos-Brexit. In order to prevent a well-debated bill that would delay exit from the EU, would have to meeting the Queen, if necessary, at the request of the government, the Parliament, until 30. March, to adjourn. The emphasized old-fashioned occurring parliamentarians veiled his attack on the sovereignty of the house of Commons, he spoke of “stunted” constitutional practices.

connoisseurs of the monarchy and Constitution waving. Almost all reasonable people, believes Gimson, “are not anxious to interfere”. Flush tells it to the author of the standard work “The new British Constitution”, politics-Professor Vernon Bogdanor: “There is nothing that could do the Queen, or should do.”

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Maximum Serenity warn. How very British of such Appeals must be made in moderation, highlight two events this week. Rees-Moggs substitute in the hard-line Brexitgruppe ERG, Mark Francois, spoke of his desire to throw the Prime Minister, Theresa may’s Europe chief adviser Oliver Robbins as a “traitor” in the Tower. And a survey of Brexit-enemies found: 37 per cent would mind if a close Relative wanted a Brexit advocates to get married.