Protesters from dyrevenorganisasjonen PETA rigged up Thursday in a shopping centre in Sydney. Here was one of them dressed as a chef, in front of a large grill and on the grill was a seemingly spiseklar dog.

Ahead stood a sign with the text “If you would eat a dog, why eat a lamb? Be vegan!”

Although the dog was not real, it frightened several school children who were at the mall, according to Sky News.

Several witnesses described the stunt as “disgusting” and “at”.

TRUE: Even if the dog is not real, got PETAs stunt many to react. Photo: PETA potters bar Show more Strong reactions

On Twitter, PETA posted a picture with the text “If you find these images disturbing, but eat meat, think about how you are perceived”.

There have been many to respond, and the more reviews the incident as traumatizing.

“I understand that you are fighting for the animals, but what I saw in Sydney today was really appalling, writes a Twitter user.

“People on the street don’t realize that the dog is not real. I’m vegan and supports usually PETAs work, but this is only at. Think of all the children that were traumatized by this shit,” writes one woman.

During the reactions in his own message, comments on PETA:

“If you care about the animals, not eat them”.

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PETA writes on his own website that the idea was to encourage people to rethink what they eat on the official national day, which is on Saturday.

“the Thought of grilling a dog is unthinkable in Australia. At the same time, millions of other equally smart and sensitive animals are forced into terrible disorder when they are bred and killed for kjøttindustrien”.

PETA writes further that “we as humans feel instinctively compassion and empathy for animals, yet we learn that it is OK to eat some of them, without thinking about them as individuals”.

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