– In June of last year an agreement was signed between Greece and Macedonia, which means a komprimiss after 28 years of battle on the latter’s name. The so-called Prespaavtalet – which was written by prime minister Alexis Tsipras and mr Zoran Zaev – means that the country agrees to change its name to Nordmakedonien, to Greece to stop blocking the country’s entry into Nato and the EU.
– the Macedonian parliament approved the agreement on 11 January, and on Friday it was Greece’s turn. Prime minister Tsipras received eight votes in addition to the 145 his governing party, Syriza had at its disposal, which gives 153 of the 300 votes. The name change is thus a fact.
– In Greece, a majority thinks that it is wrong to at all allow ”Macedonia” to even be a part of the neighbouring country’s name, because a region in northern Greece called just so. The latest opinion poll shows that 60 percent are against the agreement.
– For outsiders it can be difficult to understand that a name can cause so-hot emotions. But many greeks believe that the agreement means that it folds flat for EU, USA and Nato, that country’s history and culture randomly away. Some point out that the agreement recognises the neighbouring country’s inhabitants ”macedonians” and their south slavic language as ”Macedonian” – which is a concession in comparison with the previous compromise proposal.
Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras during the vote. Photo: Angelos Tzortzinis/AFP
– the Resistance ranges from the Communist party via the large center-right New democracy to the neo-nazi Golden dawn. Protests are underway for the third time this week and the potential for violence is great. Sunday, injuring 25 police officers, and on Tuesday put the unknown fire on a female Syrizaparlamentarikers house.
” today’s vote was chaotic and had to be interrupted several times when the extreme right-wing members shouted ”treason!”
Read more: Why can two people make a fuss about the name of a country in 28 years
– Also in Macedonia/Nordmakedonien is dissatisfaction widespread with Prespavtalet. No fresh opinion polls are available, but most likely is a majority of opponents. A referendum on the issue in the fall, boycotted by the majority and only 37 percent chose to vote.
– Although the vast majority of macedonians want their country to be connected to the Nato and the EU, so many that a forced name change is humiliating and too high a price. The prime minister, Zaev branded as a traitor by many. Also there will be regular protests.
the two closest countries concerned, the issue will continue to divide the population in favour or against. What they say becomes a way to show where you stand on the issue.
A familiar journalist in Skopje welcomes the agreement – says that no one will say ”Nordmakedonien” in everyday speech other than ironic. In Greece is expected in the same way many, especially in Greek Macedonia, continue to call the neighboring country ”Fyrom” (former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia) or ”Skopje”.
– another thing is official signs, such as at the border. They will, of course, be replaced. Same thing with the passports which will be ”North Macedonia”/”Severna Makedonja”.
– at the united nations IN New York city moves to the Macedonian delegation from T as in ”the” to ” N ” in the ”North”.
– When Nato and the EU in the short launching eu accession talks, it becomes, of course, with the country Nordmakedonien. Sweden and most other countries are expected to follow suit and use the new name in all official contexts.
Read more: Macedonians say yes to the name change that no one wants to have