In the process of the so-called March of June 2018 in Basel has opened in the criminal court of Basel-city on Friday, the judgments. 15 of the 18 defendants were sentenced to conditional prison sentences of 20 to 27 months.

guilty verdicts in particular, due to property damage, simple assault, riot, and multiple violence and threats against authorities and civil servants. Three of the accused were acquitted. One of the Acquitted was sentenced to a monetary penalty in connection with a home occupation in Lucerne.

had to answer in court to the accused in age from 20 to 31 years because of riots in June 2016. In the case of a property damage of more than 200’000 Swiss francs. Two policemen and a protester were injured. Had participated in the unauthorised rally in the evening, around 50 masked individuals occupying the office of the public Prosecutor of the extreme left-wing scene. For the arrested 18 persons on the charge of complicity and a common Tatbeschluss.

The extreme left of the scene has called for a demonstration at 7.30 before the Basel criminal court to support the 18 accused. (Video: BaZ/Martin Regenass)

the Prosecutor’s office wrote in the indictment of a “March” and “Krawallmob”, contributed to the beginning of the process sharp criticism from various defenders: Such expressions are a breeding ground for prejudice. The evidence was not sufficient from the point of view of the defender for a conviction, which is why they demanded in unison acquittals. The prosecution had, however, demands prison sentences of 17 to 38 months.

The sentencing was the culmination of the process that last year at 23. October had begun and was to last five days. After criticism of the defence, the doubt, due to the short duration and many of the accused to a fair trial, suspended President of the court, the judgment opening on an additional day to a still undetermined date. (nag/sda)

Created: 25.01.2019, 09:16 PM