“The murders of the children in the Sala”

“the Sala-the father the last time before the double murder: ”Arranged everything””

“Sportprofilen felt very bad, said the friends”

“In the live broadcast on Facebook after the double murder said Salapappan that he ”arranged everything” – letters, bills, and to prepare an inventory of the estate.”

“at the same time, he so late that in the weekend up a video on the sons, in which he talks about their future.”

“the Police don’t want to go out with how well the man in the 45-year-olds planned the murder of his two sons.”

“When the friends saw Salapappans live broadcast on Facebook last night they called the police directly.”

“his viewers, he told me crying that he shot his boys and that he would kill himself because ”he did not want to sit in jail’.”

“In the video and the man went on his preparations for the deed.”

“He told me how he had ”arranged everything” by paying bills, writing letters, and that he fed his animals.”

“He explained that he has made preparations to facilitate his relatives.”

“on Thursday the police part of a nedsparad version of the film that, after ten hours was removed from Facebook.”

“But how planned the deed was to the police did not comment on.”

” We have a clear picture of the event but I don’t want to make a few comments about the background, say police presstalesperson Johan Thalberg.”

“Several of the man’s close friends tells Aftonbladet that the man been very poor since the spring of last year.”

“But the signals that he sent out was ambiguous.”

“Thought he was feeling better.”

“At the weekend, just days before the double murder, could Salapappans Facebook friends see a video that he put up on Facebook, depicting the sons who were out and skated together with his dad. “

“– When one of them fell, he said, ”that you will learn soon,” says one of Salapappans friends and adds:” the

“– When I saw the movie I thought that it had arranged themselves, that he was feeling better now, ” says a friend of Salapappan.”

“Several friends tell us how he could write long candid lyrics on Facebook about his behavior, and then delete them the day after.”

“– He had dark thoughts, but I didn’t think it was so serious.”

“another friend known the man for very long, describes how he gave a dark picture of itself and its consciousness which is not consistent with the person he was when you met in the real world.”

“When you met him late so he was like anyone, pleasant, and talked on about what he thinks and think,” says the friend.”

“According to the man’s familiar stretched out his problems for several years back in time, and over the past half year, economic problems in addition strained the situation further.”

“– He has had it tangled with the economy and I know that among other things, he had to sell forest to pay off a tax liability, ” says one of the man’s friends.”

“In previous interviews with the trade press in the sport, he was active in the have the man himself told you about his health. For a newspaper he told me that as early as christmas 2016 was depressed and that he had sought the advice of a doctor.”