Early bedtime may seem a bit boring and not comfortable doing always going to the end of the sandman’s arrival time. Regular going to bed on time is of great importance in the child’s robustness. Tired of school does not go smoothly and patience is put to the test the parents as well as children.Growing up in dream meaning is crucial.Children and young people’s sleep should be around 9-10 hours.

Sleep the cells regenerate and the body will secrete growth hormone, particularly an adolescent. Training and exercise after child needs a good night’s sleep. Sufficiently long dreams after school can better focus on and is ready to learn new things.

Children should not move used in pillows and mattresses. Used mattress is usually absorbed moisture and dirt, when it might even be moldy. Continuing ear infections and rhinitis the cause may be a dirty bed or bedding.

a Growing body needs the right kind of support and flexibility. In addition, the bed should be so comfortable that it’s nice to go to sleep, and there then maybe you need a night to leave between parents. When you’ve slept in your own bed, also a senior needs a whole night’s sleep.

Dream journal keeping, together with a child is a nice way to keep track of there are bedtimes and monitor the regularity effect. One can even making crafts together.

a Healthy circadian rhythm is divided children into three time periods. When school, free-time and rest are balanced, everyday life easier. Here are five tips:

1. Time to sleep

Put the kids to bed early. The rhythm of the preservation of every morning at the same time awakening to facilitate regular sleep patterns. As boring as it sounds, so the weekends should also wake up at the same time.

2. Light and healthy supper

in the Evenings is best not to eat giant portions, as it will impair your sleep intake. Fatty foods, in addition, you should avoid additives and preservatives, and fast carbohydrates, such as sugar, white bread and chips.

3. Homework and snack immediately after school

Homework is worth doing right after school, when the lessons learned are still fresh in the memory. Children have a rest time hobby and silly, and not mind the school thing.

4. Hobbies, exercise and play

the Child would be a good move and outdoor activities every day. The child does not, however, support the sport just before bedtime, but the body is good to calm down before falling asleep.

5. Clean and quiet room

Clean sheets and a comfortable bed is nice to go. Fresh air in the bedroom to help you fall asleep. Keep the window open a little before bedtime, so you get the oxygen to the bedroom. Bedtime should also turn off the lights and keep the blackout curtains closed, in the dark to sleep better and sleep is deeper.

Lights, sound, and extra stuff you should prune away a child’s bed, making the sleeping environment as calm as possible. The bed should consecrate only for sleeping, not to activate those things.

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