Donald Trump is a pressed man.

The american president was late Thursday night local time, a new political slap in the face since his latest budget proposal, which among other things contains 5.7 billion dollars for the financing of grænsemur against Mexico, did not get enough votes in the Senate to be implemented.

The big point of contention is the wall to Mexico, as Trump since the election campaign in 2016 has promised he would build. The democrats, who have majorities in the House of Representatives, however, refuses to put money by for the wall.

Donald Trump is a stubborn man, and one of the reasons is the story of Sarah Root, like the Washington Post have described.

It all started 31. January 2016, where Scott Root got a call from the police, who told that his 21-year-old daughter had been involved in a traffic accident.

Scott Root drove down to the local police, and got the worst possible message. The daughter’s spinal cord was damaged, and her skull was cracked in two places. Sarah Root’s life was not to save.

Subsequently, the authorities considered that the young woman was on the way home from the party in his car when she stopped at a traffic light. Here she was hit by Eswin G. Mejia pickup roared into her with such a high speed that her car was flung 25 metres away.

Later, it emerged that the illegal immigrant had run a race with some friends in have mode. Therefore he was imprisoned, and his bail was set at 5000 dollars (33.000 dkk red.).

It was paid, and Eswin G. Mejia could leave the prison. Since then, the authorities have not been able to get hold of him, and then went to Donald Trump in the matter.

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Donald Trump will have much more of it here. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

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the Photo See the pictures: this is How Trumps war on the border

At the Republican national convention July 21. 2016 used the us president Sarah Roots history as a reason for the fact that the wall is crucial for americans ‘ security.

– One of these grænsekrydsere was released at the border and ended up in Nebraska. Here, he completed an innocent, young woman’s life. She was 21 years old and was killed the day after she was finished with college.

I have met Sarah Roots beautiful family and their amazing daughter was just another american life that was not worth protecting. Never more. She was even a life that was sacrificed, because we have open borders, said Donald Trump at the time.

the family has subsequently, thanks to Donald Trump for his support.

– We are very thankful to Donald Trump talk about our daughter. He and his staff have been very compassionate, and they have tried to help all they can, wrote the family in a statement.

Thursday sought the Republicans to re-open the public state apparatus which has been partially shut down for a period of over a month.

Also, the democrats had made a suggestion. Also the proposal has been rejected.

the Six republican politicians, Lamar Alexander, Susan Collins, Cory Gardner, Lisa Murkowski, Johnny Isakson, and Mitt Romney, voted otherwise for the democratic proposal. And, conversely, voted the democratic senator Joe Manchin of Trumps proposal.

According to CNN fell Trumps a proposal with the votes 50-47.

the Democratic proposal was rejected with votes 52-44.

Democrats sought to temporarily halt closure of the state apparatus, and then discuss a solution to the disagreement on the boundary in parallel.

in Order to get adopted the proposals required 60 votes in favor of the proposal, writes CNN.

Republicans and democrats are still fuming disagree, and it is still Trumps the requirement that the budget must contain 5.7 billion u.s. dollars for the financing of a grænsemur against Mexico, which blocks.

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A long wall in the u.s. border town of Campo in California. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

the Democrats will not be with it, and therefore declined the president’s proposal.

the Us media notes that the impact of the temporary closure of the public state apparatus in the USA for a week will have cost more dollars than the construction of the controversial grænsemur.

to 800,000 government employees have not received salary for the second month in a row.

If the Trumps proposal, contrary to expectation, had been adopted in the Senate, the road was not, however, paving the way for Trump and his wall.

For his budget must also be approved in the House of Representatives. Here is a democratic majority ready to vote his budget down.

the Problems with reaching an agreement on the budget has in fact led to the president’s annual state of the nation state – the State of the Union to be postponed.

This is supposed to have been settled 29. January.

There sits the 53 republicans in the Senate, 45 democrats and two senators who are not members of the two parties.

The us ‘shutdown’

Parts of the u.s. state apparatus has been shut down since 22. december of last year. It is because there has been adopted a budget for the parts of the state.

a total Of 800,000 people are affected, but as 400,000 are believed to perform such vital functions that they have been asked to come to work anyway, even if they cannot be paid retroactively.

the Members, and the Senate and the House of Representatives had agreed on a budget like Donald Trump also had approved, but in the end changed the president.

The republican congressmen changed also and voted against the budget.

The big point of contention is the wall to Mexico, as Trump since the election campaign in 2016 has promised he would build. The democrats, who have majorities in the House of Representatives, however, refuses to put money by for the wall.

in Order that the budget may be approved, it requires a majority in both houses of Congress, and the president approves it. In order to circumvent the president, there shall be two-thirds majority, which therefore will require republican support outside of the president.

the UNITED states has a total of 2.1 million federal government employees.

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