About the fascination of the bible story of Noah’s ark with all the animals that get østjyderne to fall in love with drengenavnet Noah, must be obscure. But in and around the royal capital is the name of the absolute most popular choice for newborn boys. In Copenhagen and Sealand contrast, it is smart to baptize or name forth the man child William.

There is a big geographical difference between navnemoden, according to Statistics Denmark, the inventory of the most popular names in the first half of 2008.

the general Rule is that more traditional names such as Mads, Frederik and Christian are higher placed in the province – and particularly in the royal. And the trend is actually still in spite of trendsætterne in the country’s major cities. Thus manages Christian to sneak up on a third place in both western Jutland and northern Jutland in 2008, while he was not even hitting Statistics Denmark’s top-5 in other regions.

Freja hitter in the west
the Picture is almost the same for the girls. Here is the old nordic gudenavn Freja it’s definitely most popular in north Jutland, west Jutland and south jutland. In turn Freja not at all represented in the top-5 in major urban areas such as Copenhagen and east Jutland.

– The old traditional names will typically last a long time in the province, where the concentration of kernefamilier is often higher than in metropolitan areas, home to more skilsmissefamilier, says navneforsker Michael Lerche Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) to Denmark’s newsletter.

Hunt on the unique name
According to the researcher, however, it is most chance that determines whether one name is on the first place in a region rather than another. The number of different names in the population is increasing, and hence fighting multiple names for a place in the top.

– For several hundred years ago we had a navnemæssig very conservative population, there maybe used about 15 different names. Today parents are more aware of navnevalget. So you do a lot of to find a name that is unique and like to stand out, says Michael Lerche Nielsen for the newsletter.

the nationwide are the most popular names Lucas and Emma, shows the inventory.

You can see the most popular names in the regions by clicking here

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