“Agreement on parental leave in the EU”

“Ten pappadagar with the compensation on the sjukpenningnivå in the context of the child’s birth will now become the minimum standard across the EU. The member states, parliament and commission agreed on Thursday agreed on the new rules, just over a year and a half after the proposal was put forward by the arbetsmarknadskommissionären Marianne Thyssen.”

“In the settlement also included a minimum right to at least four months parental leave will be retained, at the same time as two of the months will be the individual who can not be transferred between the parents. In addition, it should in all countries be possible to require reduced working hours and flexible working hours if you have children who are eight years or younger.”

“The new rules are included in the social objectives as the Thyssen and the president of the commission Jean-Claude Juncker launched in april 2017, and then agreed to at a summit in Gothenburg in autumn.”