The Evaluation of the Rent control by the German Institute for economic research shows that it acts however. Although a high number of rentals in excess of the permitted mietober spent in many big cities limit. Nevertheless, there is a “measurable braking effect”. Federal Minister of justice Katarina Barley wants to extend the Rent control, therefore, now to five years. the By Robert rossmann, Berlin Robert rossmann

Robert rossmann is a graduate of the German school of journalism. He studied Economics, communications and political science. At the age of 27, he became editor of the süddeutsche Zeitung. Previously, he had worked at the Bayerischer Rundfunk. In 1997, rossmann was the Deputy news chief of the SZ, in the year 2000, he took over the management of the Bayern part. At the end of 2004, he became parliamentary correspondent in Berlin. In 2007, he went to work as a Newsdesk-head back to Munich. Since 1. In January 2012, he is Deputy head of the Parliamentary office in Berlin.

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Federal Minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD) wants to extend Rent control for five years. Barley announced on Thursday, in the spring of a corresponding design. The Minister said, of course, the brake could not only heal the housing policy failures of the past 30 years. But you could slow down the increase in Rents. This was due in part to the dramatic increases in Rents in many German cities is important. Therefore, the price should not brake as it is now in 2020 expire, but must be extended until 2025.

Union and SPD had agreed in the coalition agreement, the rental price brake to check until the end of 2018 to their effectiveness. The result of this Evaluation by the German Institute for economic research (DIW) is now available. Barley and the Institute presented it on Thursday.

The DIW came to the conclusion that, “Rent control and the intended effect is achieved is a slowing down of the Mietdynamik -“. Although a high number of tenders above the permissible rental ceiling fittings in many large cities. Nevertheless, one could identify a “measurable braking effect”. This effect is, however, only in the order of two to four percent.

Because of the rent brake, may require the owner for the rental of an apartment for a maximum of ten percent more than the customary comparative rent. There are, however, exceptions, for example new buildings fall under the requirement. Tenants have to approach in addition to the high rent.

The Ministry of justice has now evaluated to date in such proceedings, verdicts, and judgments published. Accordingly, the tenants in approximately 75 percent of the cases had at least partial success. On average, the monthly rent was reduced to 167 euros.

the basis of the price of the “law for the attenuation of the rise in rents in tight housing markets”, it entered into force in June 2015 is brake. The Confederation is, however, not even the regions to be protected. The act authorizes, instead, the States and identify areas in which housing markets are strained, and in which, therefore, the rental price brake should apply. The countries must adopt these regulations. However, you are allowed only up to 31. December 2020 to do. Barley wants to extend this period to five years.

For the FDP is the price brake is an “ideology-Instrument”

The Minister of justice triggered its announcement with mixed reactions. The housing policy spokesman of the Greens in the Bundestag, Chris Boldly said the extension was “a long overdue step”. He expected Barley, but now that you “submit expeditiously a bill and against the Union”. The housing policy spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group, Daniel Föst, criticized Barley sharply. He said the “ideology-Instrument of Rent control” was ineffective. The Rent in the sought after areas would rise in spite of the brake continuously. Because it lacks the “simply more”. This situation is getting worse, the Rent control even more, because it hinders investment in the new building.

it is Crucial for Barley, but, what is my Green and the FDP. The Minister needs for the extension of the rent, the consent of their coalition partners, the CDU and the CSU brake. The Union held back on Thursday but still with a final assessment. Jan-Marco Luczak, the landlord and tenant law expert of the CDU/CSU group, said it pleased him that the rent brake “is, contrary to many prophecies of doom from the Opposition” effect. The Union, it was always important that people not from their ancestral neighborhoods are displaced. The Union is not wool, but only to protect tenants. You should also, no owner, to deter, to invest in the housing market. Therefore, the consent of the Union to Barleys advance will also depend on the nature of the planned Changes in the rent law.

tenants ‘ Association calls for Federal-wide application of Rent control

The Rent prices are the basis for rent increases. Their calculation is, therefore, always highly controversial. Currently, the rental contracts for the past four years a go in the mirror. Barley wants to extend the period of six years. This would have a dampening effect, cuts down on but the rent increases the possibilities of the owner.

The German tenants ‘ Association, the thrust of Barley does not go far enough. He complained, inter alia, that the rental price applies brake nationwide, but only in the cities, which were established by the state governments, by regulation. It is therefore no wonder that their effect was significantly fallen short of expectations.