the Left of The foreign policy expert Stefan Liebich tried to bring both together: understanding the protests in Venezuela against the reigning head of state, Nicolas Maduro, and criticism of the U.S. interference in the crisis in the South American country. “The protests against Maduro in Venezuela and the situation in the country absolutely understandable,” tweeted Liebich on Thursday. The recognition of the self-appointed President Juan Guaido by US President Donald Trump, Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro and co. solves, however, “not a Problem, on the contrary,” says Liebich. “The Federal government should not be involved in this.”

In Venezuela had declared the leader of the opposition Guaido himself President, the United States recognized him immediately as the legitimate President. Russia and China oppose the US Intervention. And as is often the case in foreign policy issues, the left party struggles in Germany in the past, in the assessment of the situation in Venezuela to a common denominator.

As for the left party in Germany, the solidarity with the Regime in Venezuela has a long Tradition an important role in the today’s group, took part in the discussions, the Chairman of Sahra car farmhand, 2005, at the time as members of the European Parliament, the former head of state and Maduro’s predecessor, Hugo Chavez met and, subsequently, a Petition was launched: “hands off Venezuela”.

In this Tradition, the member of Parliament Heike Hänsel, foreign politician, and one of the most important Confidants of wagenknecht in the group, also in 2017 acted: “The persistent attempt of the Opposition to the destabilisation of the country must be condemned.” The government in Venezuela was democratically elected, and the Opposition should seek dialogue about a settlement of the crisis.“

On Thursday it said was from the group, you do not would like Maduro to condemn the “coup”. Deputy group chief Sevim Dagdelen, like Hansel servant in the car-stock belonging to, tweeted that the coup attempt in Venezuela will “of the US President, Trump – how to order – supported”. Each upright Democrat should condemn this coup attempt.

Dagdelen speaks of “faded Green”

Sharp Dagdelen criticized the “wilted Greens” in Germany, the “advocating on the side of #Trump the coup attempt in #Venezuela”. She added: “How far away the time seems, however, as our Green is still a US-supported coups in Latin America condemned…”

the term “faded Green” had attracted Dagdelen ever 2014 attention. At the time she tweeted during a Bundestag debate on the Ukraine conflict: the “Unbearable this wilted Greens, who are the fascists play down in the #Ukraine, the perpetrators of anti-Semitic Attacks. A Taboo!“. The Left party leadership was gone after the Speech at a distance Dagdelen.

Also, group Vice Hansel took on Thursday the word. The Federal government should condemn the coup attempt against the government in Caracas is clear, she said. The Maduro government is legitimate in the office, by the majority of the UN member States recognized.

the Left-member of Parliament Heike Hänsel.Photo: Alexander Gonschior

You have to President Maduro and the Venezuelan government, in view of the serious economic and social crisis in the country and the questionable permanent establishment of a constituent Assembly, “not uncritically meet,” Hansel now at least. She noted: “The recognition of the self-proclaimed President is contrary to all democratic principles and erode the force of international law.” Venezuela don’t need any escalation, “but the mediation between the political Camps, in order to create the conditions for tackling the social problems”.

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to The Left, and Venezuela, with A heart for the Regime

Matthias Meisner Claudia of salt

With this assessment, the party leadership seemed satisfied. The Deputy Left-Chairman Ali Al-Dailami said that there is “quite a lot of criticism of the Maduro government”. These entitled, “to leave the democratic path and to initiate a coup”. And: “This coup attempt since the years of the right-wing Opposition pursued a strategy of tension.”