The Berlin protection of the Constitution warns of persistently large risk of Islamist attacks. For Germany, there is a continuing high risk “for jihadist-motivated acts of violence, the equally of international jihadist organizations such as Autonomous groups and individual perpetrators,” writes the news service in a new information brochure on the subject of Islamism.

The Federal Republic of Germany “in the immediate target range of terrorist organisations” and be “a supposedly legitimate target of attacks”. As a “special risk” provides for the protection of the Constitution to the terrorist militia “Islamic state”, which focused, in spite of that it is weakening in Syria and Iraq to “European States”. Also Al-Qaeda did perpetrate the claim, “in competition with the IS attacks against Western targets,” says the 73-page paper.

In December 2016, the IS-followers Anis Amri in Berlin had committed the most serious Islamist attack in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany. In the case of the attack with a Truck at the Christmas market on the Breitscheidplatz, twelve people died, more than 70 were injured.

In Berlin there are 990 Salafists

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The protection of the Constitution estimated in the brochure of the “Islamist terrorist persons potential” in Germany with 1,900 people. The Salafist scene is called as a “breeding ground for the Emergence of a broad sympathizers and supporters scene for jihadi aspirations”. Nationwide, the spectrum can be attributed to 11.200 persons in Berlin 990.

In the brochure, the news service announced more Islamist actors in Germany, including the Lebanese Hezbollah, the Palestinian Hamas, as well as the “legalistic” and “not violence-oriented” classified Muslim brotherhood (MB). As members of the strongest Union supporters of the MB, the “German Muslim community”.

The protection of the Constitution confirms that maintain Connections to a number of Clubs, “in Berlin”. The had next to phrase sit up and take notice, because the protection of the Constitution 2018 deleted four of mosque associations with contacts to the Muslim brothers from its annual report. The occasion of a legal dispute with one of the clubs, the “Neuköllner begegnungsstätte (NBS)”. He operates in the district of the Dar Neukölln-as-Salam mosque.

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neukölln Dar-as-Salam mosque, the Senator for the interior: “The observation continues”

Frank Jansen

The higher administrative court of Berlin-Brandenburg had said in July 2018 the protection of the Constitution, not to mention the NBS, as long as the function of the Association is not going to put in the braid of the legalistic Islamism clearly. The news service had called the NBS in 2014, in its annual reports and of the Connections of the mosque to the Muslim brotherhood spoken. Senator Andreas hostage (SPD) stressed, however, in August 2018, the protection of the Constitution, to continue the observation of the Dar-as-Salam mosque, and the three other mosque associations. In the current brochure, also in Berlin entertain the members of the Associations, the strongest Association of supporters of the Muslim brotherhood Connections, is clearly an indication that the protection of the Constitution the monitoring of the NBS and the three other mosque associations also 2019.