a German Minister, a EU – and Nato-accused Partner be open to Sabotage, not every day. When Ursula von der Leyen, the government in Rome said, you boycott targeted the EU Refugee operation “Sophia” in the Mediterranean sea, made many sit up and take notice. Wants the Secretary of defense to fan the already smoldering conflict with the reigning Italian populists – and if so, why?

That Germany sent no detachment into the Mediterranean sea, after the frigate “Augsburg” and drove home, finally came to, surprisingly enough. But behind this decision, a bundle of motives, of which the self-interest of the German Navy is the Smallest.

The Eunavor Med, as the Mission is officially abbreviated, was launched by the EU in 2015, with the aim of making it more difficult for smugglers on the Libyan coast, the business. The name “Sophia” comes from a Somali girl who came on Board the frigate “Schleswig-Holstein” to the world. A part of the Operation is to guard the training of the Libyan coast, another is the Monitoring of the high seas outside the territorial waters.

Maritime law obliged warships to help

The rescue of shipwrecked refugees was not an official target. But the international law of the sea obliged the ships of war. In the first years, she barges boats 49.000 people from the overloaded tractor-and they brought, as in the mandate provided for in the Italian ports in the country.

Minister Matteo Salvini indicates Since, in Rome, inside the sound in refugee questions, “Sophia” in question. The right-wing populist had been in the previous summer in Brussels know that he was going to close after the private also for the Navy Maritime search and rescue the ports, if the distribution of refugees in the EU will be regulated.

The mandate for “Sophia” was not renewed because of a dispute last officially, but only temporarily written to the end of March. Since the “Augsburg” course home, remain only an Italian and a Spanish frigate under your command.

Italian high command placed the rescue lame

Rome, it is left at the printing in Brussels. The of Italy asked the high command shut down the sea rescue short-hand in addition, via the chain of command. Since three-quarters of a year, dam Leyen values on Wednesday at the periphery of the world economic forum in Davos, has been ranked as the “Augsburg” only in the most remote corners. Since there is “no refugee ways,” and to discover changes in smuggling routes for weapons or drugs – one of the sub-orders of the Mission. To cross pointless through the Mediterranean could not be expected the soldiers to be longer; the use of group-catering “in Berlin” to stay so for the time being, Exercises in the North sea.

Out of the can for the time being, be easy to a Final. Leyen demanded a decision of the heads of state and government. This seems, in fact, the only level at which the blockage still can be solved. But that manage just before the European elections, no one will believe. Salvini has on top of that to know, him a the end of the action would be right, too.

“days at sea” have become in the Navy a scarce resource

But the German Minister and military, the Blockade can also be Good to draw. Although the German staff to remain officers in the “Sophia”command, and the “Berlin” would be ready on short notice to replace. But marine inspector Andreas Krause rejoiced via Twitter is quite open about the fact that the provider could use the extra time to “good to the Exercises in the context of national and Alliance defence”.

Since the Navy has a substantial backlog. Their four frigates; this is due to high repair costs often. The four new frigates, which are to continue until 2020 in the lake, in fact, at the earliest, the end of the decade because it has been the Federal court of auditors in a report reprimanded – much too late for a training centre on Land planned for you.

More about

refugees and people smugglers, Germany is participation in the Sophia Mission in the Mediterranean sea

“days at sea” have become in the Navy for the scarce resource. Marines push lists long on the Surface. In the pirates defense in the Horn of Africa is not a German ship since 2016 will be active. “Sophia” has contributed to the Navy from the beginning throughout. But, it is said in the Ministry of defense: “orders must be useful.” Otherwise you could take the time and ships better elsewhere.