the Situation in Venezuela at present, so intense, that the civil warlike conditions and a violent repression of the population can not be excluded.

It assesses the expert in venezuelan conditions and external lecturer in international politics at CBS Carlos Salas Lind over for Extra Magazine on the situation in the country, where the opposition leader and president of Venezuela’s national assembly, Juan Guaidó, on Wednesday declared himself as the interim president until the current president, Nicolás Maduro.

It happened during a large demonstration in the capital Caracas, where thousands of people on Wednesday protested against president Maduro.

– Maduro is desperate. The worst that can happen is that he sends the military on the streets together with the police, introduce a state of emergency and begin to shoot loose on the population, explains Carlos Salas Lind.

– But it will also foster even more resistance from the rest of the world. A further insulation. So it can also do, that the military says ’stop, we kill no more, it’s over, you’ll have to go’. But there can be something like civil war or violent repression, says Carlos Salas Lind, and adds that Venezuela is at risk of a humanitarian disaster, with millions of citizens fleeing to neighbouring countries.

Thousands of protesters went on Wednesday to the streets and protested against the incumbent president, Nicolas Maduro. It happened on a historic day for Venezuela, namely the anniversary of the military coup in 1958 overthrew the dictator Marcos Pérez Jiménez. Photo: Yuri Cortez

Juan Guaidó are backed up by a large number of south american countries, the UNITED states, Canada and several european countries, including Denmark, where the minister for foreign affairs Anders Samuelsen officially backs up on Juan Guaidó as president. The leader of the opposition has asked for support from the military, but is initially rejected.

In a tweet thank the leader of the opposition the government of for the recognition of the venezuelan people’s commitment in the fight for democracy and freedom for the country.

– The problem is that the military has been very involved in the government. So the government says in reality the military. It is not Maduro and Maduro friends, who reigns right now, it is the military. So the military must also make concessions, says the expert.

But the support from the rest of the world has great significance for the opposition’s opportunities to act against the government, he explains.

According to Carlos Salas Lind, the citizens of Venezuela have nothing to lose compared to demonstrate. – The population can’t keep it anymore. They live in deplorable and wretched conditions. It is a country characterised by corruption and crime at a level that we don’t know at home and can’t imagine. Poverty, lack of basic goods. The lack of currency stability and credibility. Isolation. They lack absolutely everything, ” says the expert. Photo: Yuri Cortez

– The, Juan Guaidó has done is very symbolic. It is to show how much power the opposition has. Not only in population but also in abroad. It is important for him to say to the military ’see, the world is behind me now. If In support of me, as we all come together out of the terrible situation that the country finds itself in.’ The support is there.

– I do not think the opposition will stop now. They have tried to stop Maduro so many times, and there is always one or another who saves him, but it is now or never. Otherwise he can be left in place for six years, and then it all just even worse, although it is difficult to imagine. The opposition must seize the opportunity now – they have the world in the back. Many important countries are supporting them, says Carlos Salas Lind.

– How can the opposition seize the opportunity, when the military do not support them?

– By increasing the pressure against the government. This is the first time that the government is so pressured from different sides, as it is now. If nothing happens now, so I can’t logically understand how a government can continue to sit in power. So it must just be a criminal mafiakonstruktion, who is determined to retain power, no matter what, sounds.

on Wednesday there were demonstrations against the incumbent president, Nicolás Maduro, in the venezuelan capital, Caracas. Photo: Yuri Cortez

According to Carlos Salas Lind, one can also not rule out a military intervention in Venezuela – especially not with Trump as president of the UNITED states. The incumbent president, Maduro, has demanded that the US send its diplomats out of the country within 72 hours. A commandment, as Trump has chosen to defy.

– the UNITED states can easily send elite soldiers to protect their embassy. It can lead to the use of weapons. So Maduro must be really careful. Even though he says that the UNITED states has 72 hours to get their diplomats out of the country, so says the US no. Would normally the diplomats leave the country, if they are thrown out. But he will be taken directly by the UNITED states. It, we have not seen before.

– So the next five-seven days will be extremely exciting to follow. Trump feel stronger now, because he has the backing of several countries, says Carlos Salas Lind.