Kjetil Jansrud, who on Tuesday picked up the fracture of two fingers under the utfortrening in Kitzbühel, do not give up hope of world cup start, but admits that the injury was inconvenient.

– the Fracture is under the back of the hand, ” says Jansrud to NTB on Wednesday and shows off a bruised venstrehånd that are both swollen, yellow, and blue.

When he has just arrived back at the hotel in Kitzbühel after the operation on Tuesday. When he had inserted a metal plate on the top side of the hand.

– the Movement is very stiff now, but I have faith that it will come back suitable fort. It is a question of pain and swelling, and it takes a bit of time now in the beginning, ” he says.

But time is not something Jansrud has a lot of now. Already 5. February starts the alpine ski world CHAMPIONSHIPS for fartsgutta with the super-G, while utfordelen run three days later. Thus fighting Vinstra-boy a battle against the clock to reach the championship.

Received a rebuke and was beaten Six weeks

– From a medical perspective, then I think it is six weeks grotid, and it is a long time. But in it is screwed, so screwed the metal in his hand, so I’m not sure if it takes six weeks before I can ski, ” says an always optimistic Jansrud.

My thought is to be quite offensive, to put a plan forward to the world cup. And then we’ll get to see close up to the world cup if this is possible to implement, ” he says.

– But it is a bit kjipt, it is very bad timing.

Gives it a really try

the Plan is to get back the mobility in your hand as quickly as possible. Jansrud believes it is sincere, he should give it a try, and he has the belief that it goes.

– It is horrible defensively to say that this does not go, it is totally unacceptable, ” says the 33-year-old, who adds that he could well live with that it does not go if he knows he has done his utmost to get it.

– Are you bored?

– Yes, it is a bit sad, in a way. A little bit because I think it is symptomatic of a utforsesong which has been very as.

In the super-G it has gone well.

– It should not be that big difference. It is something which has not willed at all. I feel that this injury comes as a cause of that I don’t feel entirely comfortable in the ground.

Here it goes completely wrong for the Gardens-Løseth Let two and two together

the Injury came when Jansrud was down with the hand in a turn he describes as difficult.

– It is such a difficult turn that the majority are down and steer with your hand. But I had certainly not have needed to go down if I had had a little better balance, ” says Jansrud and tells us that he immediately understood that it was serious.

It began to pulsate like that smertemessig with a time. And when you get a little powder on top, it was not hard to put two and two together. I said it with a time that we had to take a picture of it for here was something that did not vote.

It, he was quite right in.

this Weekend’s competitions in Kitzbühel goes of course without Jansrud, who also need to realize that the world cup participation is in danger.

Jansrud broke two fingers, the VM may be in danger