“Mother and daughter sentenced to jail for thefts”

“A mother and her daughter have been sentenced to prison for multiple thefts from the elderly.”

“the Couple specialized in stealing purses from elderly and was arrested in flagrante delicto in connection with a theft at a department store in the Mill december, according to New Wermlands-Magazine.”

“Those affected have all been in the 85-year-olds, why the district court considers the offences serious.”

“the Daughter is sentenced to a year in prison for two counts of aggravated theft and attempted fraud, and the mother is a year and three months in prison on three counts of aggravated theft. They should also pay damages to those affected.”

“the Women remain in custody until the penalty imposed as they do not come from Sweden and the risk that they flee abroad is deemed as great.”

“the Mother, who is in her 40s, has used 15 different identities in Europe.”