Monday’s appointment of Miljöpartisten Amanda Lind as the new minister of culture, brought immediately a lot of attention, not least for the Swedish newspaper svenska dagbladet on Monday could tell that Amanda Lind the day before praised the former minister Mehmet Kaplan (MP) had to resign as a minister in 2016 after it emerged that he had dealings with right-wing and islamist Turkish organizations.

is also evident on social media, shows the DN:s review. Of the Swedish press in the five most engaging articles in Monday’s all three of Lind, according to the tool Ezy insights. Most shared is Svenska dagbladet’s original article, which received over 20,000 comments, likes and shares. Two of the Swedish newspaper Expressen articles about Lind, one that is about the moderate mp Hanif Bali’s criticism of Lind, and one from the newspaper leader board, has received over 10,000 comments, likes and shares.

Also on Twitter raises the Amanda Lind commitment. A total was mentioned, she 4.458 tweets and retweets during the 21 January. Most mentioned, however, Anders Ygeman, energy and digitaliseringsminister whose appointment met with criticism due to his involvement in the so-called Transportstyrelseskandalen. Total: 8.188 tweets or retweets with Ygemans name itself.

Link to the graphics

if Amanda Lind as a so-called network diagram, which network accounts can be found on the basis of how they interact with the posts about Lind, it appears that the tweets about Amanda Lind, above all, had spread through the SVT News and Hanif Bali.

the larger The dot, the more spread a single tweet received. Photo: Graphics: Hugo Ewald

But it also appears that Amanda Lind attracted the attention of a cluster of twitter accounts with almost no relation to the Swedish. This by Lind attracted the attention of on twitter Peter Imanuelsen, which specializes on spreading negative news about Sweden for an international audience.

Twitter has in a higher degree kept within Sweden and consisted of harsh criticism against the minister. Most engagement has Evin Badrniya, member of the Christian democratic youth league scored. But even the right-wing debater Rebecca Weidmo Uvell, the lawyer Krister Thelin and Hanif Bali have posted a post with a large spread.

the larger The dot, the more spread a single tweet received. Photo: Graphics: Hugo Ewald

A review of the accounts that tweeted about Amanda Lind and Anders Ygeman shows that the proportion estimated to have botliknande behaviour amounts to between two and four percent, according to the tool Botometer, developed by researchers at Indiana University and with the help of artificial intelligence analyzes twitter accounts. The figure is lower than the proportion of automated twitter accounts and the Swedish Defence research agency, FOI, estimated were active during the Swedish election campaign.