Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has called for the fight against the littering of the seas. He also wants to allow the free flow of digital data – and the future “As you are to me, so I’ll avoid customs duties”. the

Japan wants to make the issues of world trade, climate protection and the digitalisation of the focal points of his year’s G-20 presidency. In the coming decades the economy will be driven by digital data, said Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Wednesday at the world economic forum in Davos. The time is ripe to create a System under the umbrella of the world trade organization (WTO), in order to allow the free flow of digital data across borders. Japan will, therefore, the G-20 summit on the 28. and 29. June in Osaka use it to initiate, under the keyword “Osaka Track” a world-wide data-set of rules.

the climate debate wants to promote Japan in the current year. Abe called, especially the fight against the littering of the oceans as a major challenge for the G-20 and called for more innovations. Such technologies were, in order to reduce the costs for the production of hydrogen, said the Japanese Prime Minister.

Abe wants a new “How you me so I you-duties” to avoid

As the main risks for the world economy, Abe called the U.S.-Chinese trade dispute, the Brexit and the cooling of growth in China. Japan is considered as the G-7 countries, Germany, France, and Canada to the main compressors of a multilateral world order. “Japan is determined to preserve the free, open and rule-based international order and to develop it further,” said Abe.

Against the Background of the trade conflict between the United States and China, he called for, to re-establish trust in the free world trade order. The System must be transparent, copyrights, and protect also areas such as E-trade and public tenders to cover. In addition, re-would be “How you me so I you-duties” and other tensions between trading partners, are in future to be avoided urgently.