Dendermonde “Even though it is still an immense amount of pain, it is necessary that attention continues to go to the drama that then took place”. That, says Rafael Garcia, dad of the small Leon, who by Kim De Gelder in the child nursery Fabeltjesland was murdered. Together with his wife and many others, he lived Wednesday, the pacific commemoration at the former kindercampus. The tenth anniversary of the tragedy, made for a great turnout to the memorial.
social media profile photos of Dendermondenaren Wednesday updated with asterisks, had for years been the symbol for the victims in Fabeltjesland. The annual silent remembrance provoked at this tenth anniversary of the tragedy of Fabeltjesland more people than otherwise. A hundred Dendermondenaren, among them also the victims, survivors and first responders, attended the herdenkingsmoment on the former Kindercampus to the Fifth Januaristraat in Sint-Gillis-Dendermonde.