number of EU States grant to investors for sums of money up their citizenship. The EU Commission sees this as a serious security risk and urges more Stringent. Bulgaria wants to abolish the trade in passports.
to be anyone Who engages in Bulgaria investment of at least 500.000 Euro, so far, the Bulgarian citizenship – to live without speaking the language, or otherwise, with the EU-country could apply for. In Malta and Cyprus, similar rules apply for higher amounts of money. The EU Commission sees this as a “serious security risk” and warns member States not to be in the granting of citizenships and residence permits to be generous.
“The legal stay in the EU and in the Schengen area is connected with Rights and privileges should not be abused,” said EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos.
EU-Commissioner warns Avramopoulos of abuse in the granting of citizenships for money.
The Commission is based on a report that takes the right of residence in EU countries target: In 20 of the 28 member States there are therefore special arrangements, Germany is one of them.
For the Antwärter on so-called “Golden passports” for money there is often no systematic security controls, the variety of procurement programs is not transparent. Information on the revenue of the States by the trade with the nationalities of the report.
often doubt real connection to the country
International law requires that there must be a real connection between the Land and the applicant makes an application for naturalisation. The EU Commission expressed doubt that this condition is met in the granting of passports to the number of end investors.
“Golden passports” facilitating the money laundering and corruption, and may threaten the safety, stated the Commission. For a foreigner to get the citizenship of an EU country, he will also be EU citizens with all the Rights, including freedom of movement, access to the internal market and of the choice of law in the EU.