Prime minister Charles Michel (MR) is hard on his former coalition partner N-VA. Especially the “commedia dell’arte”, between the N-VA and the PS of the last few weeks he can but moderate tastes. “The axis N-VA PS is the axis of the shutdown,” he said today in The Morning and on Matin Première.

The resigning prime minister is currently in Davos for the World Economic Forum (WEF). In between, he was also asked about the situation in their own country. Michel takes especially his former coalition partner N-VA on the grain, but also the French-speaking socialists get it on.

Read also Ex-prime minister Di Rupo (PS): “Jambon prime minister? Unmentionable!”

“I suppose the last few weeks, again a form of theatre, commedia dell’arte between the N-VA and the PS,” he says. He refers to the announcement of the PS to the the federal level to recapture, and the reaction at the N-VA to “everyone to the front”, candidate of the Flemish minister-president Bart De Wever and candidate-prime minister Jan Jambon at the forefront. “The PS is the best electoral agent of the N-VA and the N-VA is the best electoral agent of the PS, what I regret,” said Michel. The choice of the voter is clear, ” he says. “There is on the one hand, the blocking of N-VA and, on the other hand, the MR that wants to move forward. Make no mistake, the axis N-VA-PS, that is the axis of the shutdown.”

Disappointment in Jambon

at the same time, Michel also disappointed in former N-VA deputy prime minister Jan Jambon. He said last week that the current onbestuurbaarheid “be good”, because it is up to confederalisme can lead. “I am particularly shocked that some of the latter-day advocates for a form of onbestuurbaarheid. I find that particularly strange, and unbelievable”, says Michel.

I am particularly shocked that some of the latter-day advocates for a form of onbestuurbaarheid. I find that particularly strange, and incredibly

Prime minister Charles Michel (MR),

Sorry, the collaboration with N-VA, the premier is not, he says, “because we are the community in the refrigerator could stop”. The MR stepped in 2014 as the only French-speaking party in the federal government. What Michel is concerned, after the elections in may no confederalisme. “That is not my choice.” the
Or he ambitions for a second term, he would not say. “That is a logical question, but premature.”

Minister of Work, Kris Peeters (CD&V) – also in Davos for the WEF will share the analysis of the prime minister over N-VA and PS, he said to Belga. When Michel talks about an “axis of the shutdown” is that “a realistic assessment”, says he. And he also pulls out to Jambon. “Quite a strong statement from an ex-colleague, who makes the partijbelang above the general interest”, what it sounds like.