“The margarine Light be appointed to this year’s matbluff”

“Bordsmargarinet Light has been named to this Year’s matbluff of the coop is the Real deal.nMotiveringen is that the product is signs of oil on the packaging – but the margarine consists to the greater part of the debated palm oil.”

“With just over a majority of the votes may Upfields margarine Light the unflattering of the Year award matbluff. The packaging is adorned by rapsblommor, and in a box with lift manufacturer the ingredients the buttermilk and Swedish rapeseed oil, while the table of contents on the back tells us that the margarine contains more palm oil than rapeseed oil.”

“Genuine product director Björn Bernhardson said in a press release that he believes that it stands the more in the eyes of the people when a well known brand, Light bluffs of the content.”

“Upfield write on Other site that it has chosen to communicate only ingredients water, buttermilk, and canola oil, in its current advertising, because”

“In second place will dryckjätten Cocas product Cola’s Glacéau Smartwater, which the Genuine article don’t think is smarter than plain water, and in the third place Oatly even young weight natural which contains a live bacteria culture unlike yogurt.”

“the Brands that received the highest number of votes”