Wollishofen, The Meadow, while GZ is a busy place. During the warm days of the district’s residents of all walks of life meet there. It is getschuttet, grilled and Shisha Smoking. The visitors call the Meadow, therefore, one of the mixed test places in the city of Zurich. Or The Happy Meadow.

But now some Wollishofer see the informal side by side at risk. The reason for this is that On the adjacent site of the car seller Franz AG is to be built. The markings, which extend beyond currently the flat construction references. And you are high.

Too high for Axel Burri. The 44-Year-old lives in the neighborhood and had found, as he says, in the summer very often, in GZ. “The construction will affect the life on the Lawn is massive,” he says. You should, in the future, expect up to an hour less sun. In addition, the views of the Uetliberg will be adjusted. The impending construction noise would deter many from visiting the Meadow.

“no affordable housing”

67 new apartments are to be built, currently the building permit process runs through the town. Burri assumed that the rental rates will be high. “In such a situation, there is no affordable housing,” he says. It was, therefore, expect noise complaints from the new residents, once they moved in. A similar scenario was observed in Wollishofen at the Red factory, which has since a few years ago with noise complaints faced.

in Order to prevent the construction, has developed Burri with five other local residents in a Petition. Some 2,500 signatures have been collected, the Petitionäre at the present time. Tonight this will be presented to the construction superintendent Andre or Matt.

As an argumentative basis for the Petitionären in the municipal master plan formulated by the planning objectives in the city up to the year 2040. It had rooms held, that “to create public open spaces and (…) free”. This is contrary to the current construction project, says Burri. Or in other words: “It is contrary to the objectives of the city, if such a heavily used public recreation areas, such as the bathing area Wollishofen by luxury apartments to be disturbed.”

real estate company: “In the middle price segment”

The real estate company Karmon AG writes in an opinion that it was the “sensitivity of the location” aware of and therefore it’s not necessary to plan the new buildings throughout six floors. A large part of which is to be four storeys and not too expensive. “Since we can expect in the summer months, with some impact from the lawn, aware of the arising rental properties in the middle price segment, which can also attract a younger audience,” writes the company.

are How high the success chances of the Attack of the local residents, Burri yet. Reason for Optimism he sees in the fact that politicians of the Greens and the AL have shown interest in it. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 23.01.2019, 08:57 PM