this weekend went vaktbolaget Securitas ceo Joachim Källsholm out with a press release regarding an intervention’s DN reported. It comes to 12-year-old Literally, who wrestled down by the stewards in the Kista galleria, earlier in January.

According to the library staff had the event been preceded by a 12-year-old and his friends had been rowdy, while Literally claiming that ordningsvaktens the intervention came without warning. The process was captured in several of the surrounding busy filming and has attracted a lot of attention.

– both ordningsvaktens and Muads actions have been notified. Securitas has previously commented on the intervention via their press contact, but this weekend went thus to their ceo Joachim Källsholm out with a press release.

According to the Källsholm, the company has gone through the films and other materials related to the event, and in the current situation, landed in the assessment that the stewards who were involved in the intervention is not guilty of any crime.

”What is important to underline is that the stewards are working under statutory powers and is subject to the police authority. In this case, it is polislagens §13 that is current and it gives ordningsvakten the power to reject, remove and dispose of a person which disturbs the public order,” it says in the press release.

however, still the company’s internal investigation of the incident and because of it, and the ongoing investigations to Joachim Källsholm not give any further comment to the DN.

In his written statement reveals, however, that ordningsvakterna received racist comments and death threats after the intervention and that these polisanmälts.

”This is something we will go forward with then we are looking very seriously at the type of threats and violations that the member had to endure when they carried out their work”.

At the end of the text, addressed Källsholm their thoughts to all involved in the situation.

”I can not be more than sincere regret that this incident at all needed to take place,” he writes.