My main task is to ensure that Norway can reap as many benefits as possible of the digital revolution we are facing, both for most people in everyday life, business and the public sector.

It tells Nikolai Astrup (H), which on Tuesday was Norway’s first digitaliseringsminister, to Dagbladet.

I am most concerned of the exciting opportunities that lie in this field. Not least the interaction between the public and the private sector, which can lead to a lot of good innovation, the easier the weekdays and a more efficient public sector.

Deleted Facebook

In 2012, long before Facebook-the scandals came on the continuous belt, la, Astrup down his profile on Facebook in protest against what he experienced as surveillance of the site.

It is now you should consider to delete Facebook account Comment

Life was very good before Facebook came, and I am confident that it will be as good afterwards, ” said the then stortingsrepresentanten for the Right to NTB.

the Reason was that I was disagree with Facebook’s privacy policy, and it was my little protest against it. Now have Facebook thankfully changed privacy policy its for the better, and since last year I have been on Facebook again, ” says Astrup today.

He does not refer to a personal profile, but to his official page as a minister.

GOVERNMENT: prime Minister Erna Solberg presented on Tuesday his extended government after the extraordinary minister of the royal Palace on Tuesday. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix Show more – Must be taken seriously

– Have you been less concerned about this problem since you chose to delete your profiles?

– No. The handling of data that is generated as a result of these platforms is something that must be taken seriously. But I am concerned of the possibilities of digitization. They must be able to be exploited, at the same time as we deal with any backs.

NEW MINISTER: Ingvil Smines (Frp) have only been minister for civil protection in a few hours, but have already had to endure rudely with from including national spokesperson of Miljøpartiet De Green, who believes she is unfit for the job. To answer Smines on the criticism. Reporter: Jørgen D E”. Video: John Terje Pedersen / Dagbladet Show more

When it comes to the responsibility for information security, he says that it will be the new beredskapsministeren, Ingvil Smines Tybring-gjedde (progress party), who is going to handle many of the security aspects of digitization.

So will I get to coordinate digitaliseringsarbeidet in the various ministries in a better way than it is done today, ” he says and continues:

– It is very positive with a separate digitaliseringsminister. There is a large development in this area, and Norway may miss out on wonderful opportunities if we don’t hang with.

– Important to be aware

It stormed around Facebook and the company’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, in the last year.

Among other things, provided Facebook that 87 million users unknowingly may have been data drained from her profile via an app and resold to the company Cambridge Analytica. The information can be used during the presidential elections in the united STATES and brexit-the vote in 2016.

Right took contact with Cambridge Analytica in the year

Astrup says that he thinks it is important to be aware of what data one chooses to give from themselves and how this is being used by the companies who receive them.

fortunately, the awareness around this, and, not least, required the consent to give up their data. It is an important part of bevisstgjøringen, although I think many don’t put enough into the terms and conditions that apply.

Facebook scandal: 87 million users affected Had passwords leaked

last autumn, wrote newspaper Aftenposten that 1.4 billion passwords had been leaked in a searchable database. A number of high-profile norwegians were affected, among others, Nikolai Astrup even. At the time, he was the development minister.

– It was an eye-opener that the password can get on the way. Fortunately this was not a password I had used for many years. It is important to change your passwords often, reminds him of.

The new digitaliseringsministeren describes himself an average digital use.

” I take probably not more or fewer precautions than most people do. And I have certainly a room for improvement, he admits.

Waiting trønderfri government: – Strongly provoked “Trøndermanko”

Child-, family – and equality minister Linda Hofstad Helleland (H) had to leave the government of the day. Despite the fact that the government counts the record number of ministers, there is no longer a trønderrepresentant in the government, and this created reactions. Also, the ministry of agriculture and mr. Bård André Hoksrud had today three out of government.

– I was so sorry that I trøstespiste a huge sjokoladeboks

If the Astrup was assured to receive a ministerpost or not, he answers not directly on. But he says that it is “not so very long ago” he got the message about his new position.

– Where is up to the prime minister to choose who she wants to have in the government. Basically when you have a such kind of job, is that you are planning for eternity, but is prepared to go at short notice, ” he says.

Helleland and Hoksrud snuck out from behind