– julian assange: yeah.

– The kind of find the state of hawaii is Not in!

– Well done btw!

How to write Paul V-D in one of the comments that are written on the jv.dk to the article on slagtereleven Jacob and his boss Kasper, who did not hesitate to intervene when a customer in a Referendum in Esbjerg was hot-headed and began to beat a woman, who stood in front of him in the queue.

And Paul is not the only one who praises the two Super(Brugsen)men who ran after the man, when he – after having beaten the woman in the queue – ran out of the store.

With such some cool guys In the shop there will be no bandits there’s more, writes Jytte’s and Søren K continues:

– that’s How it should be done.

– But please be careful yourself, writes Søren, the man drew namely a knife, when he was overtaken and asked to come back in the store. Jacob explains the situation thus to the newspaper:

– to start with, we do not believe in it, since we can’t see any knife, but when he takes hold of his jacket, as if he will open it and maybe pull a knife, we must respond, ” says Kasper, who, along with Jacob laid the man – who repeatedly shouted that they were going to die – down and held him until the police showed up.

‘Flemming, who is the one with the knife. Well, does it?’