the World’s antidopingbyrå (WADA) does not come to punish Russia further, despite the fact that they did not keep the deadline for the handover of the data from the laboratory in Moscow the previous månd. The so-called executive committee has decided not to reinstate a suspension of the country.

– Several members of the board expressed their disappointment that the deadline was not complied with, but we agreed that additional sanctions should not be imposed, said WADA president Craig Reedie after a telefonstyremøte Tuesday.

Last week announced WADA that they were finished with the collection of data from antidopinglaboratoriet in Moscow, and that it has been successful.

Wada warns, however, that they will not be gracious if it turns out that the data that is collected has been tampered with.

– Major breakthrough

the Laboratory was located in the organized dopingjukset in Russian sport, which is been revealed with the help of whistle-blowers and rolled up through multiple granskinger. Full tillgang to the laboratory’s database was one of the conditions WADA set to take Russia’s antidopingbyrå (Rusada) into the heat again.

the Exclusion of Rusada was suspended last fall, but only now is the database made available. The information that is extracted can lead to a variety of new doping cases.

– This is a major breakthrough for clean sport, ” said WADA president Craig Reedie.

the End of the year was set as the deadline for providing access to the database, but the WADA experts who were in Moscow before the new year had to travel home with uforrettet case because of the disagreement about the legality of the equipment they had with them. First, this month the access is provided.

Bosses her won: An embarrassing knefall for Russia