“What will the government do about gängmorden?”
“the Government’s new policy on criminal matters are not quite so miserable as there was reason to fear.”
“Sensible proposals are not lacking, but of course is also nonsense that does not accomplish anything other than to undermine the rule of law.”
“The last four months of political mess has brought good to the nation avoided the new laws are, at best, meaningless and, in the worst and most likely case will only lead to misery.”
“just Take the alliance effort, with the kind assistance of the social democrats try to make the lifetime to normalstraff for murder.”
“Lagstiftningsprodukten was so lousy that it rather became more difficult for the poor to the courts to impose the law’s most severe punishment and after the Supreme court set down the foot was added in the embarrassed political harklande quickly a new investigation.”
“Not necessarily the right way”
“But now is as familiar a new rule on the spot and in his government declaration yesterday aired prime minister Stefan Löfven a part of criminal policy proposals.”
“This included some noncommittal air – all from the social-liberal european politicians to hard-line dictators should be able to write during that”
“10 000 new police services, for example, is no news. There is no major problem with the proposal, the authority needs more police officers and experts, but I have no thoughts on how to escape from the profession must be addressed.”
“To replace experienced police officers with the newcomers is not necessarily the right way to go.”
“Löfven also pointed out that new legislation on data retention is on time. Nor does it come as a flash of lightning from a clear sky.”
“Police officers and prosecutors have been screaming blue murder about this since the EU court of justice in december 2016, the commission rejects the broad saving of data in mobile and internet traffic in Sweden, and a new investigation was set up two years ago.”
“the Result has become a law that the Swedish data Inspection board considers is too vast for what a democratic society can accept, and the secret Police do not think that is sufficient.”
“How we twist and turn it, it seems, in other words, to be no reason for political boasting in the context.”
“To victimize a person sexually is illegal. Now, should the behavior become even more illegal by rough sexual molestation is introduced as the legal classification of the offence.”
“Now it is not so gärningspersoner today acquitted if ofredandet is rough, but few things fill the politicians with the deep discomfort that the suspicion that competing parties have come on something that the electorate might appreciate, and this particular idea is stolen by the Moderates.”
“It’s gratifying to hear the Leaves say that law enforcement must start”
“You win no choice on the kind remarks. In addition, the stakes something so oglamoröst as endurance and perseverance. But a criminal policy that omits the dimension is a dishonest criminal policy.”
“Lousy proposal kronvittnen”
“the Government is investing in more workers and områdespoliser. Excellent. In addition, the introduction of a national exitprogram for people who want to leave crime. Such is already in the larger cities, but has not worked as well as they would be able to do.”
“Directly lousy is the proposal for kronvittnen. The one who is suspected of a crime can be eased away by gossiping on the other. Anyone understands that such a system give accused criminals a further reason for the more or less imaginative utpekanden of the other.”
“This the courts will have in mind, why such testimony will be of limited significance. In other words, mere symbolic policies.n”
“And it is precisely this that is the major problem with this criminal policy programs. Gangsters shoot people to death in ever-greater extent in the streets and squares, and the perpetrators just gets younger and younger.”
“How can this unacceptable situation be handled? Video: duttar here and there and may not be very practical said.”
“the Issue is complex and I will leave it to others to require a detailed programme of action. But some form of vision, preferably containing the substance, is the least we can ask of a government. “