The social benefits achieved in Switzerland in 2016, a maximum value. This applies also in international comparison: the equivalent in purchasing power of the five largest EU States were paid per head of population in not as much support contributions as in Switzerland.

But beware: If you take the gross domestic product (GDP) as a benchmark, Switzerland is a rather cheap supporters. Because the GDP in Switzerland is high, the share of social benefits is lower than elsewhere: Of the five most populous EU-member States only Spain, in percentage terms, less money for social services than Switzerland, namely 23.9%. In this country, there are about two percentage points more. France distributes almost a third of its GDP-cake to the needy.

Measured in the artificial currency unit purchasing power standard (PPS), but Switzerland is a leader: Per capita 11’105 PPS were paid out in social benefits. In Germany, there were less than 10’500, in France a little over 10’000, in Italy and in the UK, approximately 7800 and in Spain 6237 PPS. In Eastern Europe the values were usually less than 3000, brought up the rear, Serbia, with the 2300, as new Figures from the Federal office for statistics (BFS) show.

The thing with the sources of funding

A striking difference in the sources of financing. In Switzerland, the government intervenes significantly less deep pockets than in the five comparison countries: Come here, 23.7 percent of the social benefits from the public sector, in Italy and in the United Kingdom, about 48 percent.

With 66.1 percent of the cost of employer and Insured person in Switzerland, more a Social burden than in the five largest EU countries: In Germany and France, 60 to 64 percent of the social benefits from these sources, in the UK, only 38.1.

In all comparison countries, age and health are the largest Budget. Differences in the areas in which the social benefits are low. Italy spends very much of his social security benefits for retirement – almost half. And similar to France and Spain, the country where the lemon trees bloom, somewhat more money in unemployment than the Northern countries. (fal/sda)

Created: 22.01.2019, 12:31 PM