In Aachen, situated in the borders to France, Belgium and the Netherlands, and where Charles the great (franconian king and roman emperor) is buried, are written in the day a new chapter in the franco-German friendship which adds the 1900s strife behind them.

When chancellor Angela Merkel and president of the Emmanuel Macron meet it is on day 56 years after vänskapsfördraget between Germany and France was signed in the elysee palace in Paris by chancellor Konrad Adenauer and president Charles de Gaulle.

Aachenavtalet, or the Elysée two as it is also known, has more practical elements and will among other things facilitate for the French and germans living in the border areas.

It is about shared infrastructure, to coordinate the fiscal policies, strengthen cooperation in education and research with more.

”Both states to deepen cooperation in foreign policy, defence, internal security and external security and development and at the same time work to strengthen Europe’s ability to act independently,” it says in the text of the agreement that will be signed, according to news agency Reuters.

in addition, there should be a priority in the French-German diplomacy to work to Germany get a permanent seat in the UN security council. The five permanent members of the security council today consists of the victorious powers in the second world war.

the Text is updated.

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