the WATCH TV NOW: the Whole government coming out on the palace grounds, after an extraordinary minister of the royal Palace. Video: Ingebjørg Iversen / Dagbladet / NTB Scanpix Show more

Erna’s extended government will have 22 members, if all the leaks are correct.

There is an extension on the two posts from today.

Out from the leaks should the government create a digitaliseringsminister for the first time.

the Post, which is added to Municipal and moderniseringsdepartementet, to be occupied by Nikolai Astrup (H).

In addition, shared the justice department reportedly in two. the minister of justice, Tor Mikkel Wara (Frp) will remain, but with a much reduced portfolio. Ingvil Smines Tybring-gjedde of the responsibility for beredskapsarbeid, civil protection and the polar affairs department in the ministry of Justice, confirming the partikilder the face of the Newspaper.

freecell Solitaire went up: Erna’s new government is probably ready to Receive criticism

Has there ever in modern times been a government with 22 members? Ask the parliamentary leader of the Sp, Marit Arnstad on Twitter.

She will get the answer by Kjell Magne Bondevik.

Not that I know. 22 is too much, this has with efficiency in regjeringsarbeidet to do, he writes.

There has so far not succeeded Dagbladet to get Bondevik, but that this should be the highest number of ministers seems to keep the condition.

I can’t remember that it ever has been several, ” says the political scientist and historian Trond Nordby.

Out from the dashboard on the government’s own pages, is also the theory that the government is historically great.

It hasn’t add up with the promises of Tomorrow to get fewer ministers and efficiency, says the socialist left Kari Elisabeth Kaski of the NTB, and pray Solberg say what the expansion cost.

the progress party demanded seven

After that Wild experience, it was very important for the progress party that the inclusion of the Sector in the government not weakened the party’s impact or relative size at the peaks.

Waiting trønderfri government: – Strongly provoked

the Party was therefore not willing to give up a single minister to make the space to Progress at the king’s table, according to the partikilder.

the Right to give up a statsrådspost, according to the leaks. This has in return triggered a different type of criticism:

Trøndelag Right have allowed themselves to provoke that there will not be any trøndere in the new government after Linda Hofstad Helleland, after all, and the judge goes out.

– If it is true I am strongly provoked. It is very regrettable that not Trøndelag is represented in the government, says Elin Agdestein, member of parliament from the county of Trøndelag Right to Dagbladet.