to summon The past to shape the future – that is not a bad means to make the historical scope of a contract signed between the two neighboring countries. Still, when it comes to two countries that have gone through a terrible Phase of bloody wars and as Archenemies considered before they found the graves, finally, to reconciliation.

This has been in droughts words, the common history of Germany and of France before Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer signed the first of the Elysée Treaty of 1963. On it based, to today, to intensify more than a half-century later, with the signing in Aachen, in the future, to this city named of the Treaty, the cooperation again. What are the two now to Make the story become politicians promised in the Cathedral of Reims, now want to seal the deal Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron in the historic Council chamber of the Aachen city hall on an even higher level.

it comes only now, is not a glorious page of German policy. Since in September 2017, the newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron promoted in a speech in the University of Sorbonne for a new Treaty with Germany and for a European departure, prevailed in Germany for a long time hinhalt Silence. The failure of the coalition negotiations on a “Jamaica coalition” paralyzed the Chancellery and the foreign Ministry. The set, which delay is the perfideste Form of negation, found here, once again, a confirmation. The Chancellor had Macrons momentum into the Empty run. Not only because of this closer cooperation was obviously not a heart issue. No, probably because you are held back by the CSU and the conservative wing of the CDU, once again afraid of the possible financial burden of Germany had, this time by the French ideas of Reform in the European policy.

It had to be quick

threatened to Only fail as a Macron in domestic politics, and the German policy became clear, that in the neighbouring country, an inner revolt, and a strengthening of right-wing and left-wing populists, like in Italy immediately before, it had to go fast. The barely aufzuhalt the end of Brexit made Germany clear that the European Union threatened to fly apart. If in this Situation the two Nations, which were once the engine of European Integration, would not find finally to each other, who, the European Union would have been able to save then? In the frantic rush to the Chancellor’s office overlooked the most important democratic Institution, the Parliament, and agreed for the signing of the Treaty an appointment to meet the actually the representatives of the people of France and Germany had wanted to. A government that loses such a track, is just embarrassing. In the French presidential democracy, the power relations may be different in the German System, the scamper was an Affront.

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Aachen Treaty, Germany and France will want Europe to strengthen

Tanja cake Becker, the daily mirror tomorrow location

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In Aachen, a city that is not the last by Charlemagne, the French Charlemagne name, a Symbol for the unity of the two countries France and Germany promise now on Tuesday for regular consultations at all levels, broad military cooperation, closer cooperation in the United Nations and much more. According to the UK’s exit, the weight of this Duo grows to an extent that other EU countries will not leave you indifferent. This is only right, both should, in the future, a truly common Foreign and security policy. Domination of the governments in Paris and Berlin may be for the development of the EU as dangerous as it would be the lack of interest of the two largest countries of the Alliance. To understand this, it is not necessary to summon the past.