The picture phone is one of those devices that have existed for decades, only in the imagination of science fiction writers. The Smartphone, thank you can use today anyone with Apps like Skype , Facetime, and Whatsapp even free of charge.

But the enthusiasm is not as big as people like Jules Verne or Fritz Lang paints in their visions of the future. A lot of people make video calls and prefer phone calls without an image, or even text messages: The image rarely brings an additional Benefit. It contains, however, the risk for Blamagen, or is causing, at least in partiality feelings: You would have to clean up the office or the living room, before you answer calls – and even you feel is not always presentable. And the Web – or Smartphone-cameras provide also not always a particularly advantageous image – rather the opposite. That’s why most of the people are on their phones then, but only with sound.

“Strange and uncomfortable”

this is true for The private life, but also in the business area. This businessman writes in the Blog, also professional Skype-to-Skype calls are “weird and uncomfortable”. And he wants to be able during the discussions to move and not stiff in front of the camera. Video conferencing systems often function poorly, there are picture dropouts and poor, difficult-to-understand tone and sometimes very long delays in the communication. And the nuances of facial Expressions and Gestures that we appreciate in a direct conversation, despite the image Moves on the track.

in other words: The future is not as brilliant as the science fiction authors that have been painted. But in spite of all the shortcomings of video calls have advantages – for example, many things and processes can be very much easier to demonstrate, and on the living object to demonstrate than to explain with many words in theory.

In the Video, there are half a dozen Tricks to Skype, Teamviewer, Teamviewer Quick Support (free for Android and for iPhone/iPad) and Teamviewer (free for Android and iPhone/iPad). By Teamviewer, you can access from anywhere to your data. How to do this, we have declared here.

This App is a Live video image of the things with Arrows. (

Created: 21.01.2019, 16:13 PM