After unsuccessful attempts to contact with the Opposition, the conservative Prime Minister, Theresa May wants to exit from the EU Treaty, with the help of the right party to enforce the wing. New guarantees from Brussels. Until the planned vote on the negotiated package in the coming week you will continue to look for solutions, said May on Monday in the lower house.

Meanwhile, leading parliamentarians across party lines prepare to make a limited seizure of power by the house of Commons. The coalition of secretaries of former Ministers and the state, led by Yvette Cooper and Hilary Benn (Labour) and Nick Boles and Oliver Letwin (Tory) is the avoidance of Chaos-Brexit (“No Deal”). A new law would force the government to Suspend article 50. However, it remains unclear how, after the historic defeat of the government last week signed an agreement with the EU state. The financial sovereignty of the government would continue the Initiative of the deputies. It is clear after all: The European Parliament wants to contribute to a solution, at least, it can if necessary even to enforce.

May was the Labour leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn allegations, because of this boycotted the surprisingly scheduled conversations with members of all the groups. Only the Prime Minister “No need to exclude the Deal,” argues the old Euro-sceptics; in addition, Labour is in favour of remaining in a customs Union with the EU. This would prevent the government in their declared aim of its own free trade agreements. So far, out of 36 planned arrangements only with Australia – signed, a second – and, with Switzerland, negotiated.

May leads to no dialogue

Other opposition members, including the group leaders of the liberal Democrats and the Scottish nationalists, found their way to talks in Downing Street; there was limited May, to read a prepared Statement, the dialogue has not taken place, reported a participant. A number of members of the accused, therefore, the head of government, it is only to gain time; in the end it will come, intentionally or unintentionally, to Chaos-Brexit.

in fact, conditions in the in view of the narrow majority the lower house is difficult to imagine that May succeed in the adoption of the Treaty only with the votes of loyal Tory, some of the independent and the unionists. After all, 57 Conservative speak out on the Lobby’s Website “StandUp4Brexit” against Mays negotiation package, Ireland is by no means the most important role.

The conservative Brexiteers advised in turn by a newly established Brexit-party pressure for the members of the European Parliament wants to run for Nigel Farage. The outlet Champions had to leave in December the right wing skidded Ukip party.

Also in the major parties, the future attitude to Europe, leading to the ordeal. That his Tory be intact come out of the conflict, not like Ex-social Minister Stephen Crabb to believe, as he explained to the Institute for government studies, IfG. Finally, there is in the form of the European research group, the ERG, such as the die-hard EU call enemies, even now, “a party in the party: a own boss, own whip, own communication system via WhatsApp”.

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these hard-liners under your head, Jacob Rees-Mogg, brought members of the government, at the weekend, a time limit on the so-called catch-all solution for Northern Ireland into the game. To do this, there could be a bilateral agreement with Ireland, if necessary, to make adjustments to the good Friday agreement of 1998, citizens ended the war in the British part of the green island. Both ideas were immediately rejected in Brussels and Dublin. The sensitivity of the situation in Northern Ireland, the Explosion of a car bomb, stressed on Saturday in front of the courthouse in Derry. The police arrested four suspects, apparently members of a spin-off of the Irish Republican terrorist squad of the IRA.