The Hungarian film producer Andrew Vajna, which among other things has worked with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone, died Sunday in his home in Budapest after a prolonged illness. He was 74 years old.

The typing of several international media including the New York Times.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mario Kassar and Andrew Vajna. Photo: Fred Prouser

Andrew Vajna was born in Budapest in 1944, but had as a 12-year-old escape from the country, as the Hungarian revolution against the Soviet regime began.

He has since then been a prolific producer and has throughout his career produced 59 films. The first three ‘Rambo’films, ‘Total Recall’ and ‘Evita’ are some of his most popular works.

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Since 2011, he has worked for the Hungarian government, where he has tried to create a renaissance for the Hungarian movies. The country’s president, Viktor Orbán, has on its Facebook page praised the filmmaker for his efforts.

‘We say goodbye to the biggest and most talented Hungarian filmmaker. Hasta la vista, Andrew! Thank you for everything, my friend’, writes the president.

two of Hollywood’s biggest star salute him.

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A very very sad day … Producer ANDY VANYA , the one that Made Rambo happened, died today… LOVED this man’s courage – a pioneer. Believed In making the FIRST BLOOD when no one else did….This truly breaks my heart. Rip

A lookup shared of Sly Stallone (@officialslystallone) the

Sylvester Stallone shares his condolences on his Instagram.

‘It is very sad day. Film producer Andrew Vanja, the man who created ‘Rambo’, is dead. I loved his courage. He is a pioneer. It breaks my heart. Rest in peace’, writes Stallone.

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Also, California’s former governor alleged father.

‘Andy Vajna was a dear friend and a revolutionary thinker in Hollywood. He proved that you don’t need a movie studio to create movies. He had a big heart, and he was also a very generous human being. I will miss him. My thoughts go out to his family’, writes Arnold Schwarzenegger on his Twitter profile.

Andrew Vajnas film has won a myriad of awards both at home and abroad. In 1996, he won a Golden Globe for ‘Evita’ with Madonna in the lead role.