The Russian 20-year-old yesterday, suddenly knivstakk a random woman (25) at a Kiwi shop in Oslo, sitting in politiarresten, and are portrayed for imprisonment in the morning.

According to the Police security service (PST) has the man himself said that the attack was a terrorist, and that he planned to kill more people. The investigator therefore the case that terror.

Not met, the client

the Russian comes from the islam-dominated of Basjkortostan, west of the Urals. He has not asked about the defender, but in line with the rules is counsel Ola Lunde appointed.

do NOT BELIEVE IN TERROR: the Russian holding defender Ola Lunde do not believe that the client actually has carried out the terror, as he himself claims. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Scanpix Show more

I got the message in the 14-15-the time of day, ” says Lunde to the Newspaper.

the Lawyer says he has not met the client yet, and that this will not happen tomorrow morning, before fengslingsmøtet.

I have also not read the explanation of his, ” says Lunde.

Want the medical examination

What impression do you have of the case? Your client has even said that he has carried out the terror.

THINKING OF the WOMAN: Dagbladet has talked with staff at the Kiwi in Møllergata. They tell that they send their thoughts to the woman who is critically injured after the PST describes as an act of terrorism. Video: Lars Eivind Bones Show more Show more

– I have not read the transcript of the explanation of his, but my gut feeling tells me that he is sick. I will ask that he be produced for politilegen, for a prejudisiell observation, ” says the defender.

Puffin have so little faith in the client’s terrorpåstand, and believes instead that the 20-year-old may have been criminally insane when he stabbed the woman in the back. In that case, the ports, the man in the health care sector and not in prison.

Investigating stabbing in Oslo terror

I have 40 years of experience as a lawyer. And my impression is that the boy is not fresh, ” he says.

Lunde expects that the client is now being imprisoned in the four weeks.

Stood in the checkout

The 25-year-old knivofferet is critically injured in hospital. She stood in the checkout and would pay in Kiwi-shop, on the corner of Møllergata / Hausmanns gate when she was suddenly stabbed in the back.

He was about to stab again, but then slid he, and my sister ran out, ” says the woman’s brother to the Newspaper.

LIVE: Pst, Marie Benedicte Bjørnland met the media in Oslo, after knivstikkingen on the Kiwi in Møllergata in Oslo, norway. Video: Emilie Rydning / Dagbladet Show more

– It is absolutely terrible that something like that can happen with my sister. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time, ” says his brother.

After having stabbed the woman attacked the man, according to the store manager Christian Bäckström an employee, who was not injured. Then he ran along Møllergata at Youngstorget, but was stopped by armed police and put into the ground after a few hundred metres.

Open shop

abroad has knivangrep against random people, carried out by islamists, occurred relatively frequently, but has so far not happened in Norway. PST chief Bjørnland said at a press conference earlier in the day that she does not have indications that several similar attacks are planned.

Woman (25) were stabbed on the Kiwi: – She was in the wrong place at the wrong time

The current Kiwis-shop today has been open as usual.

Our thoughts go out to those involved, especially the woman and her immediate. And we hope for a quick recovery for her, ” says the Kiwi head of communications Kristine Aakvaag Arvin to Dagbladet.

the minister of justice, Tor Mikkel Wara has the same message.

I think of her and her family in a very difficult time, ” he says.

STABBING IN the CENTRE of OSLO: A woman was on Thursday afternoon stabbed inside a Kiwi store in Møllergata in Oslo, norway. Reporter: Nicolai Eriksen / Dagbladet. Video: Frank Karlsen / Dagbladet Show more Show more