The long rule to an end search: Stefan Löfven in Sweden and thus for the second Time as Prime Minister has been elected. The 61-Year-old filed on Friday in the Parliament in Stockholm, less than half of the 349 MPs voted against him. Löfven received 115 votes in favour, 153 voted against him. There were 77 abstentions, and four members were absent. In Sweden, a candidate for government office must have the vote, not a majority, but it is sufficient, if not a majority against a right.

As President of Parliament Andrew Norlén, and shortly afterwards Löfven in front of the press came, you saw you the relief. “This has been a very intense period with great uncertainty,” said Norlén over the 131 days since the parliamentary election. Löfven pointed to the growing influence of anti-democratic parties in other countries. Sweden have threatened. “But Sweden has chosen a different path. And this is historic,“ said Löfven. The country will get a government capable of action which is not dependent on the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats.

Löfven is not a knee-jerk politicians such as Donald Trump and he is not charismatic, as Emmanuel Macron, or Justin Trudeau. However, his success is remarkable: A social Democrat can hold on to so in Europe, in Power in a EU-country, which was affected only to Germany of the refugee crisis in 2015, and like so many other States to the right is moved.

Löfven had to negotiate for months and the traditional block boundaries. His social Democrats were stuck with the choice last September, although powerful force, but how the second-placed moderate losses. Due to the strong performance of right-wing populists, the former party blocks had no majorities. Löfven’s social Democrats and their Alliance partners, the Greens, and eventually received a government agreement with the liberals and the centre party. These parties had previously belonged to the conservative Block of the Alliance. You want to work with Löfven in the case of certain subjects and the budget – just the will but.

adversary Kristersson: “Bad day for Sweden”

As of the Moderate Ulf Kristersson also Löfven in the case of a vote in the Reichstag by the end of 2018 had fallen. This had not been done before in Sweden. After Löfven was finally able to get out of the liberals, and the centre of the conservative Alliance, was a choice for Prime Minister, finally, by the help of the left party. Left-in-chief Jonas Sjöstedt assured on Wednesday that the abstention of his party. This paved the way for Löfven was free.

Löfvens adversary Kristersson said it was a “bad day for Sweden,” and accused his former allies of double standards. The head of the Sweden Democrats, Jimmie Åkesson, has called the government “absurd and bizarre”.

congratulations, however, came from Brussels. With a view to the challenges facing the European Union, am he, and to be able to continue to Löfvens leadership and cooperation, said EU Council President Donald Tusk. The Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipilä was one of the first well-wishers.

Löfven is in 2014, the Swedish Prime Minister, had to the office after a vote of no inherent trust two weeks after the election, but only business leader. He is considered to be a quiet property, a politician and a good negotiator. On Monday he wants to introduce his new Cabinet and a government statement.

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government education Löfven comes forward will probably remain Prime in Sweden

Also in Norway something is happening at the head of government. Prime Minister Erna Solberg may be there to govern in the future, with a majority in Parliament. Solberg’s minority government, the Høyre so far from its conservative party, the progress party, FrP and the liberal Venstre stock will receive in the future growth of the Christian Democrats. The four parties agreed on a government basis, such as Solberg said late on Thursday evening. (dpa)