Following the example of the Swede, Greta Thunberg youth exchange, now in Munich, the class room against the Protest on the street. The 17-year-old Ann-Kathrin Grunwald is one of them.

Interview of Jacob Wetzel

Greta Thunberg has it: In August 2018, the then 15-year-old Swede began to boycott Friday of the school teaching, to demonstrate, instead, for more climate protection. Since then, tens of thousands of students in different countries have followed their example. Also in Munich there was last December for a school boycott; this Friday

In 45 German cities are rallies planned; in Munich, the Protest at 11 a.m. on the siblings begins-Scholl-Platz. Ann-Kathrin Grunwald will be already for the second Time. The 17-attended the Ludwig gymnasium on Westpark and in front of the high school. She tells why, despite the upcoming exams, the climate of the earth is more important than your education – and what happens if the policy is interested in the uprising of the students.

The 17-year-old Ann-Kathrin Grunwald attended the Ludwig gymnasium. Although she is on the verge of graduating high school, she wants to demonstrate on Friday and the fabric, if necessary, to catch up on.

(photo: Private)

SZ: If air traffic controllers go on strike, flights. If train drivers go on strike, stay trains. If you are boycotting their classes, damage you, but especially yourself. Why do you do this?

Ann-Kathrin Grunwald: We want to put an exclamation point. Whom the school is important, can go to school, but what is more important is that finally something is going forward, in order to save our climate, the comes with.

Takes the someone is true?

we hope. The teachers on the course, the students are missing. And it more frequently is reported about it.

strike be How many students?

It should be on Friday to the hundreds. We of course hope for more. It students from seventh to twelfth grade and also students who feel our earth is responsible.

Seventh-graders have compulsory education. There are no problems with the police?

no. Finally, the police accompanied the school strike, but not interfere.

What you plan on Friday, specifically?

We meet in front of the University to Geschwister-Scholl-Platz, there are contributions from several of the speech, and then we, as a group, the Ludwig road to the Maxmonument, and there is still time for a rally. We will play neat music, and to us.

Why do it yourself? You are standing right in front of the high school and could use the lessons in may well.

Yes, but I think the action is good and necessary. I came through the social networks, a friend has made me aware of, and I thought to myself, I’m going in. I was always active.

you Learn the material to?

I have to question what has been taken, or not, depending on how necessary it is. I have Fridays only to 13 at school, because only four subjects: Latin, geography, Bio and English. And as the strike begins always at eleven o’clock, I still have time to go into the school.

What would you wish for?

the government is aware of us and our demands seriously. This is the core of the goal of limiting the temperature increase to a maximum of 1.5 degrees Celsius, the coal phaseout, the Expansion of public transport, the best free-of-charge, and the Expansion of the bike paths. And we hope that the government sees that the young people with the climate change deal, because it will also affect the longest time.

a decision Is because the carrier they come from?

no. There are parties that support us, but of the Ruling, we have not yet the attention we want.

And if it stays that way?

We strike now at 18. and on 25. January, and then we will see how long the leaves hold on.

you want to repeat every week?

Yes. Just like Greta Thunberg. It is planned to go on strike every Friday. We had the concern that it will eventually be the norm, if every Friday someone is on the Marienplatz. But because the schools are affected, what needs to happen. The students can not all be suspended.

respond As the schools?

I, personally, have to get up to now still no problems, but I have also been on strike only once. I know that others have already received referrals and disciplinary action. The schools are against the strike. While there are individual teachers who are in favour of this, but the school leaders are largely opposed to it, and many parents do not find it is also good if your children go to school. My parents, for example.

it is not good, if you go to school?

to find the good, if it is for a good purpose.