After the historic defeat for Theresa May in the British Parliament, the deputies are now to on on 29. January vote exit on a “Plan B” for the EU. The government announced on Thursday in Parliament.

After surviving a second vote of no confidence in the British Prime Minister is looking for a way out of Brexit-cul-de-SAC. The conservative head of government met on Wednesday evening in London, leaders of several opposition parties and will work throughout the week under high pressure to find an Alternative to the rejected Deal. On Wednesday, it was said, May the wool be finalised by Monday, like a child to exit the EU but still want to be a success.

May’s “disappointed” about the leader of the opposition Corbyn

“After the members have not made it clear what you want, we all need to constructively work together to find out what the Parliament wants,” said May after the Meeting with representatives of the Opposition in front of your official residence in Downing Street. “It is now time to put self-interest aside.”

May was “disappointed” that the head of the Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn was denied a Meeting. The Prime Minister, but stressed: “Our door remains open.” Critics from Labour circles said, however, it is the Prime Minister, who had failed in more than two years, was the national consensus.

Corbyn wants to lead according to his own words, initial interviews with May, when the Prime Minister excludes “catastrophic prospect of a Brexit, without agreement with the EU Once and for all”. Conservative commentators not return, an agreement would depend only of May but also of the Opposition and the EU. And thus, the Prime Minister could not make such a commitment.

“It is not an easy task”

May had survived on Wednesday evening in a vote of censure in the lower house with only a 19-vote lead. On the eve of her had been members of a historic defeat when they rejected the EU negotiated Brexit agreement with an overwhelming majority. In addition to the Opposition to it was also denied about a third of the members of their own party support.

Mays unprecedented defeat is announced. Video: UK Parliament

After surviving a second vote of no confidence in May, representatives of the pro met-European liberal Democrats, the Scottish national party (SNP) and the Welsh party Plaid Cymru. The Prime Minister praised then “constructive Meeting” and announced further talks with deputies Thursday. “It will be no easy task,” admitted May. The members have an “obligation to act in the national interest”. She wanted to lead the UK as British citizens opted out of the EU.

SNP representative Ian Blackford has warned that his party was willing to cooperate, if May be, in principle, to a shift of the Brexit ready to an exit from the EU without the agreement of exclusive could and for a second Referendum to consider. The Prime Minister has issued a second referendum is repeated a cancellation.

transition phase could be extended to 2020

Several scenarios are possible: May, might try to achieve more concessions from Brussels and the agreement to a vote. It seems, however, unlikely that there are any concessions that would lie in the Power of EU negotiators and at the same time the British house of Commons.

it is also the call for a postponement of the discharge date, or a disordered Brexit on the 29. March. According to the “Times” EU-negotiator, the possibility to extend great Britain’s Transitional period of article 50 by the year 2020.

Or a renewal, only for Northern Ireland?

The “world” reported, meanwhile, that the European Union is apparently ready to the United Kingdom in the negotiations. Therefore, it is called in diplomatic circles, the so-called political Declaration that accompanies the exit agreement could be supplemented. “A close consultation mechanism that opened the British freedom of action would be, for example,” quoted the “world,” a EU diplomat.

in Addition, the particularly controversial catch-can solution for the boundary between the British province of Northern Ireland and Ireland may be transformed. One might “think about a time limit on the Backstop solution until 2025 or 2027,” he quoted the “world” diplomatic circles.


Created: 17.01.2019, 15:05 PM