Electric scooters, electric skateboards, segboards and uniwheels can from today legally take the bike paths.

For Thursday are two new trials and operations for the less motorized vehicles and self-balancing vehicles entered into force.

the Trial has become, although there from several pages have been a big concern for safety.

the Council for Safe Traffic has called it a ‘very bad idea’ to legalise the motorized scooters, skateboards, and self-balancing vehicles. Also Cyklistforbundet and the national Police have had concerns.

In connection with the lovliggørelsen the Swedish app Voi chosen to send 200 electric scooters for hire and rental in the capital.

In relation to concerns for the safety points to the country manager of Voi in Denmark, Eric André, that the company has good experiences from Stockholm.

– We work hard to educate our users in the security. We recommend, of course, helmet use, he says.

In several european and american cities is el-løbehjulene on the street for hire. Unlike road bikes, which is placed in the charging stations, it is up to the driver itself to find a suitable place to park løbehjulene.

How can Voi, however, not to run his concept to begin with in the capital as the city of Copenhagen does not immediately given permission to, that they may stand in the municipal area.

initially working app together with partners in the form of a local trader, where løbehjulene can stand on private grounds.

Eric André says that the company hopes eventually to get permission to place løbehjulene in public places.

– We are in dialogue with the municipality, and we are working on a long-term solution. It is a completely new model, which we can understand is a challenge for the municipality, he says.

There are a number of rules, which you should be aware of, before airing the impeller in the cold. The run must take place on the bike path.

There also applies the same requirements for lights and reflectors for the motorized vehicles which makes for bikes.

in Addition, children under 15 years only run on the small motorized vehicles if they are accompanied by an adult, or if the driving takes place only on the signposted play and seating areas.

the Rules for motorised scooters

Before you test your new electric scooters in traffic, you can get an overview of the rules here.

* Drive with motorized scooters should be on the bike path.

* apply the same requirements for lights and reflectors for motorized scooters, which makes for bikes. However, the lamps are always switched on while driving on a motorized scooters – also outside during daytime.

* Motorized scooters are allowed in the experimental scheme could run to a maximum of 20 kilometres per hour under its own power.

* Motorized scooters, like bicycles, subject to færdselslovens general agtsomhedskrav and the rules that traffic must adjust their speed to the circumstances, with particular regard to the safety of others.

* the Drivers of a motorized scooters must be at least 15 years. But they are allowed to be kept by persons under 15 years of age, if driving is done under the guidance and control of an adult, or if the driving takes place only on the signposted play and seating areas.

* Færdselslovens provisions on spirituspåvirkning and driving under the influence of bevidsthedspåvirkende substances, disease, etc., also applies to drivers of motorised scooters.

* Færdselslovens provisions relating to insurance shall apply to hired vehicles. There is, conversely, not to have insurance for vehicles that are privately owned.

the Rules for motorized skateboards, as well as the self-balancing vehicles as segboards and uniwheels:

* the main features Of the subject to the same rules as for electric scooters. However, there are differences on when they are allowed to run.

* Drive with self-balancing vehicles and motorized skateboards may only be made on routes where there is a landscaped bike path, and must in these cases be done on the bike path.

* On the roads in reinforced built-up area, which has a speed limit exceeding 50 kilometres per hour, must the vehicles, however, are kept on the road, if there is a landscaped bike path.

Source: Transport, Construction and ministry of housing.

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