UK Prime Minister Theresa May has suffered with the no of the Parliament to the Brexit Deal a crushing defeat. The EU is expected of her now with a quick Plan B. Selected quotes to the vote on Tuesday evening:

“The listening house of Commons spoke and the government.” “Every day that goes by without this Problem is solved, it means more uncertainty, more bitterness and more resentment.” (Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday in the British Parliament after the rejection of the Brexit agreement it had negotiated with Brussels.)

“The time is almost expired.” (EU-Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker after the vote.)

“If a Deal is impossible, and no one wants a No-Deal, who will have the courage to say, as the only positive solution looks like?” (EU Council President Donald Tusk on Twitter)

“There will be no renegotiations of the exit agreement.” (Federal Chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) on Twitter)

“We now need to keep a cool head, even if the heart is really heavy today.” (CDU Chief Kramp-Karrenbauer on Tuesday evening at the new year reception of the Parliament’s SME circle in Berlin)

“The time of the political games is over” (The Chairman of the Greens group in the European Parliament, Ska Keller on Tuesday)

“According to Mays crashing defeat there should be new elections.” (German on the left of group leader Sahra wagenknecht on Twitter)

“This agreement is dead.” (The former British foreign Minister, Boris Johnson about the agreement to exit the EU. The eccentric politician had Brexit as a Protest against Mays course, abandoned his post last summer.) (chk/sda)

Created: 16.01.2019, 04:59 PM