Almost two years and seven months after the referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU, the hour has come for the british house of commons ‘ crucial vote.

They have to take a position on whether it’s hard-won agreement negotiated between the government and the other EU-27 countries, shall be approved or rejected.

Get the think other than that the prime minister, Theresa May goes against a jätteförlust. It can even be over 100 of the own partivännerna who makes the thumbs down.

with a cabinet meeting that, according to reports in the british media, is expected to last for several hours. No previous british government in modern times has seen so many defections of members on a single issue – a Brexit – as the right Mays government.

the Debate starts at 12:50 local time, which is 13:50 Swedish time. Keynote speakers are Geoffrey Cox, the attorney general (attorney general), which is a political post in the united kingdom.

next, take the opposition parties at and where many will listen carefully to the leader of the opposition, Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn. He has threatened to put a vote of no confidence if the government loses the vote.

by the prime minister himself, around 19:30 Swedish time. She will press on the members of parliament have a duty to deliver the result of the referendum results, that is to say, Brexit.

the Actual omröstningesproceduren can take time. It is expected to start at 20 cet, but undershuset shall vote first on the various amendments to the proposal to make utträdesavtalet to british law.

How many extensions as the president will allow is still unclear, why it is not possible to say when the final vote takes place. It could take until nearly midnight before the final results are clear.

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