The 29 of march in the year should the Uk leave the EU, according to the plan which the british themselves established. It is a direct result of a referendum held in 2016, in which 51.9 percent of voters voted in favour of Brexit (the word is an amalgamation of the English words Britain and the exit).

It is 585 pages long Brexitavtal, which is now on the uk parliament’s table is the very skilsmässoavtalet. It handles the division of property and how the separation of practical to go to, in order to avoid chaos and trouble. If approved, the idea is to then launch a near two-year long transitional period, during which an agreement shall be negotiated on britain’s future relationship with the EU.

Brexit-supporter demonstrates outside the London parliament. Photo: Oli Scarff

Skilsmässoavtalet was reached in november, but must now also be subject to approval by the british parliament. It looks to be difficult. Prime minister Theresa May has fought hard to convince their party colleagues in the conservative Tories, but a long line of big names, as former foreign minister, Boris Johnson, intends to vote ‘no’.

Even the government’s samarbetsparti, the northern ireland unionist DUP, intend to vote no. The reason is, above all, that the agreement contains a stopgap measure (”backstop”), which shall ensure that no new controls be established along the vulnerable northern border. Our backup plan is going is not intended to enter into force, other than in just an emergency, but critics argue that the risk is too great that the country gets stuck in it.

the Opposition in the Labour party will vote against the agreement (even if the one and the other Labourledamot can go against the party line). So even the liberal democrats and the scottish nationalist party SNP. If it becomes a no has the labour leader Jeremy Corbyn threatened to bring a no-confidence vote against the government.

If not misstroendeförklaringen go through the learning Corbyn end up under a lot of pressure from their own colleagues to push the requirement for a second referendum on the Brexit.

Brexit-opponents ahead of Tuesday’s vote. Photo: Oli Scarff/AFP

The remaining 27 member states are endlessly tired of the internal political rows in the Uk and annoyed that the referendum on EU-membership was to unite a divided conservative Toryparti. The EU27 do not want to change a single comma in the Brexitavtalet.

the EUROPEAN parliament will also approve the Brexitavtalet for it to be valid. A clear majority of meps are expected to vote yes. But would Brexit a shot at the future, it becomes more complicated because the european Elections are carried out in EU27 23 to 26 may. The new parliament has its first sitting in the middle of July.

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