NEW YORK (Dagbladet): the Leaders of the Republicans in the house of Representatives removed on Monday evening Steve King from the obligations inherent in the ministry of justice and landbrukskomiteene after kongressrepresentantens controversial comments, reports the New York Times and the Washington Post.

– White nationalist, white supremacy, western civilization – how was such language offensive? said the hard innvandringsmotstanderen in an interview with the New York Times on Friday.

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Several key Republicans have responded strongly to the Kings statement.

No space

– There is no place in the republican party, The Congress or the country for an ideology with raseoverlegenhet of any kind. I have no tolerance for such positions, and those who express such views, are not supporters of american ideals or freedom. Representative King’s statements are not welcome, and they are unworthy of his selected position. If he does not understand why “white supremacy” is offensive, he should find another job, ” says the leader of the Republicans in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, according to CNN.

The newly elected senator and former presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, thinks the King should resign from Congress.

I think he should step aside, and I think Congress should make it very clear that he has no place there, ” says Romney to CNN.

Public reprimand

Democrats in the house of Representatives, which now has the majority, has already taken the initiative to a public reprimand of the King. The republican leader in the chamber, Kevin McCarthy, does not exclude that he will support this. Even if the King is removed from their komitéverv, he still has the right to participate in the partimøter in Congress.

– We spoke loud and clear that we will not tolererere this in The republican party, ” said McCarthy after a one hour meeting with King on Monday, according to the New York Times.

King has been a supporter of president Donald Trump in the construction of a grensemur with Mexico and other measures to limit immigration. He also has a long history of controversial and racist comments about immigrants.

Congressman: – Our civilization can’t be recreated with anyone else’s kids

last year, ended up among other things, he in rough weather, after to have praised the leader of the Dutch freedom party, the book by geert mak Wilders.

Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our future. Our civilization can’t be recreated with anyone else’s children, wrote the King on Twitter.

– Ignore the truth

Some in the party our wondering why the Republicans are constantly being accused of racism. It is because we are silent when things like this being said, writing is the only african-american, republican senator, Tim Scott, in an article in the Washington Post.

Even criticize the King his own party after losing komitévervene.

Leader McCarthys decision to remove myself from the committees is a political decision that ignores the truth. The truth is as follows: One of the quotes my in a New York Times interview has been completely misinterpreted. I will continue to point out the truth and work with all the power I have for Iowas fourth electoral district for at least the next two years, ” says King in a statement, according to CNN.

Silent Trump

Trump has so far remained completely silent about the statements from the King.

– I have not followed through on it, black president when he was asked about the King on Monday.

He has even come up with a range of hard outcomes against undocumented immigrants and minority groups. On Sunday evening, he used indianermassakren at Wounded Knee in an attempt to make a mockery of the Democratic senator and presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren.

If Elizabeth Warren, as I often call Pocahontas, made this promo from the Bighorn or Wounded Knee instead of his kitchen, with her husband dressed in full indianerdrakt, it would have been a hit! wrote the president on Twitter about a video Warren let out.

” I’m glad that they are finally taking the grip after all these years, where Steve King has defamed immigrants and hispanics, but the president of the united STATES also does this. And he said something about Elizabeth Warren a few nights ago who was also a racist, too, and we have not heard a word of condemnation from some in The republican party about it, ” says the democratic kongressrepresentanten Joaquin Castro, to the New York Times.

united states: Senator Elizabeth Warren announces in this video that she poses as a candidate for president. She is the first major profile of the party that has announced his candidacy. Video: Elizabeth Warren Show more